[SSI Learning] 全国高中学段研讨纪要(2020-09-29)
Minutes of the online meeting for SSI Learning project in high schools (9/29/2020)



[SSI Learning] 全国高中学段研讨纪要(2020-09-29)<br> Minutes of the online meeting for SSI Learning project in high schools (9/29/2020)插图

图1 北京师范大学附属中学赵昕做分享汇报


[SSI Learning] 全国高中学段研讨纪要(2020-09-29)<br> Minutes of the online meeting for SSI Learning project in high schools (9/29/2020)插图1 图2 五位学科指导专家



[SSI Learning] 全国高中学段研讨纪要(2020-09-29)<br> Minutes of the online meeting for SSI Learning project in high schools (9/29/2020)插图2

图3 线上会议室剪影


On the basis of the previous workshop on “Instructional Design and School-based Implementation of Socio-scientific Issues”, the project team regularly arranges online seminars for schools of different sections to design high-quality SSI-L activity plans. Here comes the session for high schools, which was held through via Tencent online conference room from 7:10 pm to 9:00 pm on September 29th, 2020. Hosted by Mr. Tan Yongping, Head of the National High School Section of SSI-L project and Director of the Biology Department of People’s Education Press, the meeting was attended by around 60 people, including backbone teachers from 7 partner high schools, AISL expert team members, and backbone teachers of elementary and middle schools.

Mr. Tan Yongping invited Mr. Peng Menghua, a special-ranked physics teacher from the Second High School Attached To Beijing Normal University, Ms. Liang Jie, a special-ranked Chinese teacher of Beijing No. 5 High School, Mr. Lin Zurong, a special-ranked biology teacher of the Experimental High School Attached To Beijing Normal University, Ms. Sun Min, a special-ranked chemistry teacher from the Second High School Attached To Beijing Normal University, and Dr. Lin Jing, Director of the Science Education Quality Development Department of China Collaborative Innovation Center of Assessment for Basic Education Quality, as well as AISL expert team members and SSI learning project leaders, to attend the online seminar as expert instructors. Three backbone teachers shared a brief report on the current SSI-L activities in their respective schools. Mr. Guo Feng from the Experimental Middle School Of Shanxi Normal University introduced some basic ideas of carrying out socio-scientific issue activities for the first year high school students on the problem of dust pollution, which is a hot issue in Shanxi province. Ms. Zhao Jing, a teacher from Zhuzhou Gofront Middle School in Hunan province, shared her proposal for a socio-scientific issue activity from the perspective of developing students’ key competencies around the prevalence of cancer. Ms. Zhao Xin from the High School Affiliated To Beijing Normal University chose the most concerned Covid-19 pandemic as the topic, and shared the details of her school’s popular science anti-pandemic courses and STEM e-learning project-based curriculum.

Mr. Peng Menghua, Mr. Lin Zurong, Ms. Liang Jie and Ms. Sun Min provided suggestions and comments on the SSI-L activity program of each school. Mr. Peng Menghua analyzed and commented on the feasibility of the topics, and suggested that the research questions were too big and should be narrowed down, and the action plan should be further refined and implemented properly. He also pointed that in the design of the SSI-L activity program, attention should be paid to the connection of the specific knowledge of each subject so that students can actually practice and operate. Mr. Lin Zurong firstly affirmed the topic direction of each partner school, and then gave specific suggestions for each program from the perspective of SSI-L activity implementation. For instance, to study the tendency of cancer is not suitable as the correlation cannot be translated into a causal relationship, and it is suggested to adjust the content of the research. Besides, the privacy of cancer patients should be considered, and students can be guided to follow a healthy lifestyle. Ms. Liang Jie emphasized that the selected topics should be clearly reflecting openness, and suggested selecting poorly structured issues to ensure that the selected topics can have multiple reasonable solutions, rather than selecting topics that have already been settled. In addition, SSI-L activities should be carried out around specific and important concepts, and students’ existing knowledge and the feasibility of SSI-L activities should also be considered. Ms. Sun Min stressed that the “scale” of research should be taken into account when determining a topic, and that the role should be defined first, and then the research method and practice process be further clarified, instead of covering all aspects of a topic within the program. Furthermore, on the premise of ensuring the feasibility, SSI-L activities should highlight the training of students’ practical skills and the cultivation of their scientific qualities.

Dr. Lin Jing concluded by emphasizing several issues that should be taken into consideration when carrying out SSI-L activities in high school. First, SSI-L activities should not be transformed into traditional courses or research-based learning activities with a lot of off-campus investigations for students. Second, this program should not be arranged in a large number of extracurricular activities or aimed at expanding students’ knowledge significantly, which may result in extra burden on students. Third, full attention should be paid to the value of the issues and the positioning of the goals. Teachers can provide at least two class hours per week for students, and promote student development through the collision of students’ thinking, so as to better exert the educational value of SSI-L activities. Fourth, each partner school should attach importance to the stability of the teaching team and ensure the number and participation of backbone teachers, and meanwhile, should provide good teaching for students through the collaboration and innovation of various teams at all levels and a full play to the value of the AISL.