[SSI Learning] 以社会性科学议题学习促学校立德树人,威海在行动!
Weihai’s action on SSI-L to conduct “Lideshuren”

社会性科学议题学习(Socioscientific issues learning, SSI-L)项目是在科学素养提升联盟(AISL)的背景下,由北京师范大学中国基础教育质量监测协同创新中心与美国北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校大学联合发起的科学教育合作项目,旨在促进学生科学素养、学生发展核心素养的整合性提升,并助推立德树人示范学校与示范区域的形成。山东省威海市是本项目的首批合作区域基地。





[SSI Learning] 以社会性科学议题学习促学校立德树人,威海在行动!<br>Weihai’s action on SSI-L to conduct “Lideshuren”插图

图 1  参观教学大楼一层(高新区一中世昌校区)
Picture 1  Visiting the first floor of the main building (Gaoxin No. 1 Middle School Shichang Campus)

[SSI Learning] 以社会性科学议题学习促学校立德树人,威海在行动!<br>Weihai’s action on SSI-L to conduct “Lideshuren”插图1

图 2  参观教学大楼二层(高新区一中世昌校区)
Picture 2  Visiting the second floor of the main building (Gaoxin No. 1 Middle School Shichang Campus)


[SSI Learning] 以社会性科学议题学习促学校立德树人,威海在行动!<br>Weihai’s action on SSI-L to conduct “Lideshuren”插图2

图 3  参观SSI-L活动室并颁发学科指导专家证书(高新区一中世昌校区)
Picture 3  Visiting SSI-L activity room and awarding certificates to disciplinary guidance experts (Gaoxin No. 1 Middle School Shichang Campus)


自1995年至2014年,威海小石岛的西南侧防波堤持续延长,受其影响,导致小石岛港内及涝台河河口附近水域的水质条件明显下降。基于此现实问题,学校从青年教师中抽调骨干人员组建SSI-L团队,迅速地选择议题、筹建学生社团、创设议题五星图,从填海造陆的历史变迁及原理出发,考虑地质性灾害与当地经济等多因素对小石岛填海造陆的影响,进行持续的深入研究。[SSI Learning] 以社会性科学议题学习促学校立德树人,威海在行动!<br>Weihai’s action on SSI-L to conduct “Lideshuren”插图3

图 4  听取SSI-L项目汇报(高新区一中世昌校区)
Picture 4  Listening to SSI-L project briefing (Gaoxin No. 1 Middle School Shichang Campus)


课堂上,由教师抛出驱动性问题,学生通过有关填海造陆的文字资料卡与视频,在组内讨论、代表发言及组间共享中分析归纳出填海造陆的方法及步骤等。在充分了解填海造陆原理和方式的情况之后,小组自行选择填海造陆的方法,用黏土模拟沙石与海洋,从工具墙中取出钢钉、曲别针、订书针等物件进行填海造陆的建模,并通过投票评选优秀小组向同学们进行展示。[SSI Learning] 以社会性科学议题学习促学校立德树人,威海在行动!<br>Weihai’s action on SSI-L to conduct “Lideshuren”插图4

图 5  观摩课例展示(高新区一中世昌校区)
Picture 5  Observing class presentation (Gaoxin No. 1 Middle School, Shichang Campus)





[SSI Learning] 以社会性科学议题学习促学校立德树人,威海在行动!<br>Weihai’s action on SSI-L to conduct “Lideshuren”插图5

图 6  参观校园(望海园中学)
Picture 6  Visiting campus (Wanghaiyuan Middle School)

[SSI Learning] 以社会性科学议题学习促学校立德树人,威海在行动!<br>Weihai’s action on SSI-L to conduct “Lideshuren”插图6

图 7  参观校园(望海园中学)
Picture 7  Visiting campus (Wanghaiyuan Middle School)

截止2020年12月1日,望海园中学已经开展了四次SSI-L学习活动。在活动中,SSI-L教师团队设计了一系列体验、探索、拓展等活动,让学生从动手体验出发,真切感受到媒染剂在染制布料中的作用,并以此为基础,继续拓展至化学、生物等学科层面,进一步探究植物染料染制工艺对人体和环境的利弊。[SSI Learning] 以社会性科学议题学习促学校立德树人,威海在行动!<br>Weihai’s action on SSI-L to conduct “Lideshuren”插图7

图 8  参观SSI-L活动室(望海园中学)
Picture 8  Visiting SSI-L activity room (Wanghaiyuan Middle School)

在活动汇报中,望海园中学表示,该校SSI-L团队对议题的理解不断加深,使议题的设置更贴近学生的生活,让学生在活动过程中更具参与感、体验感与融入感;在资料的收集与议题的修订中,教师与学生共同成长,共同进步,双方都更具社会意识;同时,也希望在日后的活动安排中,团队可以更游刃有余地设计议题系统,充分发挥SSI的议题优势,真正做到提升学生思维,锻炼学生逻辑能力,持续开阔学生视野。[SSI Learning] 以社会性科学议题学习促学校立德树人,威海在行动!<br>Weihai’s action on SSI-L to conduct “Lideshuren”插图8

图 9  听取SSI-L项目汇报(望海园中学)
Picture 9  Listening to SSI-L project briefing (Wanghaiyuan Middle School)




[SSI Learning] 以社会性科学议题学习促学校立德树人,威海在行动!<br>Weihai’s action on SSI-L to conduct “Lideshuren”插图9

图 10  听取SSI-L项目汇报(千山路小学)
Picture 10  Listening to SSI-L project briefing (Qianshan Road Primary School)


面朝大海,翰墨飘香,郎朗的读书声从古色古香的校园中传出,始建于1994年的府新小学坐落于荣成市政府北,寸土片瓦沉浸着悠久的校园历史,在这里默默诉说着只属于它的故事。秉承“植根养正,好习惯成就一生”的办学理念,多年以来,经过一批又一批府学人的努力,学校的办学水平一直在稳步提升,并通过特色课程建设,进一步推动学校品牌建设和高质量发展。[SSI Learning] 以社会性科学议题学习促学校立德树人,威海在行动!<br>Weihai’s action on SSI-L to conduct “Lideshuren”插图10

图 11  校前合影留念(荣成府新小学)
Picture 11  Group photo in front of the school (Fuxin Primary School of Rongchen City)



[SSI Learning] 以社会性科学议题学习促学校立德树人,威海在行动!<br>Weihai’s action on SSI-L to conduct “Lideshuren”插图11

图 12  听取SSI-L项目汇报(荣成府新小学)
Picture 12  Listening to SSI-L project briefing (Fuxin Primary School of Rongchen City)


课堂上,学生分为政策组、规划组、实地考察组与调查访问组,将组内所获资料汇集成报告,采取人人参与或代表发言的形式共享信息,通过录制采访视频、将考察照片粘贴至手报展出、绘制本地南方树种占比图等多种方式直观简洁地将“目前荣成滨海广场南方景观树的选用情况”研究成果展示给其他学生。[SSI Learning] 以社会性科学议题学习促学校立德树人,威海在行动!<br>Weihai’s action on SSI-L to conduct “Lideshuren”插图12

图 13  观摩课例展示(荣成府新小学)
Picture 13  Observing class presentation (Fuxin Primary School of Rongchen City)



在SSI-L项目汇报中,南海实验中学表示,自2007年3月,威海南海新区启动开发,而新区域的开发必然无可避免地会对当地自然环境造成影响,当生态的破坏就发生在身边,对一些事物的判断难免不够理智,例如:当南海新区的小观蛤的数量急剧减少时,威海当地人便认为都是南海新区开发造成的。基于此问题,南海实验中学决定以南海新区开发是否是造成小观蛤减少的主要原因为主题,虽然学校近日忙于校园建设等事宜无法更多地投入到项目的进展中,但通过线上、线下持续不断地学习与研讨中,亦制定了一系列的政策资料收集、实地测量调查及走访相关部门等开展计划。[SSI Learning] 以社会性科学议题学习促学校立德树人,威海在行动!<br>Weihai’s action on SSI-L to conduct “Lideshuren”插图13

图 14  听取SSI-L项目汇报(南海实验中学)
Picture 14  Listening to SSI-L project briefing (Nanhai Experimental Middle School)
























[SSI Learning] 以社会性科学议题学习促学校立德树人,威海在行动!<br>Weihai’s action on SSI-L to conduct “Lideshuren”插图14

图 15  专家组总结
Picture 15  Expert group summary


Against the backdrop of the Alliance for Improving Scientific Literacy (AISL), the Socioscientific Issues Learning (SSI-L) project is a scientific education cooperation plan jointly initiated by the Collaborative Innovation Center of Assessment for Basic Education Quality at Beijing Normal University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The project aims to promote scientific literacy and a coherent improvement of core literacy in students’ development, so as to help establish exemplary schools and exemplary areas for integrity cultivation. Weihai City of Shandong Province is among the first batch of regional cooperation bases in this project.

To facilitate the advancement of the SSI-L project in Weihai, the SSI-L project leader, Lin Jing, director of the Department of Science Education Quality Development of the Collaborative Innovation Center of Assessment for Basic Education Quality at Beijing Normal University, Lin Zurong, an expert from the project disciplinary guidance committee and a special-ranked teacher of biology from the Experimental High School Attached to Beijing Normal University, arrived at Weihai on December 1st, 2020 to visit 5 partner schools in the first batch of SSI-L project in Weihai, together with the head of regional SSI-L project of Shandong province, experts from the project disciplinary guidance committee, Zhang Tao director of the Middle School Teaching and Research Office, the Education and Research Center of the Bureau of Education of Weihai Municipality, Jiang Rong director of the Education and Research Center in Gaoxin District, and other specialists in teaching and research from municipal and district offices. Schools under investigation include Weihai Gaoxin No. 1 Middle School Shichang Campus, Wanghaiyuan Middle School, Qianshan Road Primary School, Fuxin Primary School of Rongchen City and Nanhai Experimental Middle School.

Gaoxin No. 1 Middle School Shichang Campus of Weihai City

Surrounded by grey bricks and red walls in the golden rays of sunlight, we enter the Gaoxin No. 1 Middle School, Shichang Campus. The spacious first-floor exhibition hall displays works from teachers and students such as paintings, handwritten newspapers, calligraphy, etc. Some look seemingly alive, some are full of creativity, some clearly organized, some of profuse colours, some vigorous and powerful, and some seemingly free and unrestrained. All of these pieces demonstrate the everyday artistic influence in this school.

Different from the traditional campus, as a modern school full of warmth and vitality, the Gaoxin No. 1 Middle School Shichang Campus is equipped with many characteristic classrooms and areas. Outside of classrooms, students can drench themselves in sweat in the gymnasium, feel the rhythm of life in the Chinese herbal medicine planting area, and experience the charm of Judo — “softness subdues sheer strength and strength breaks up softness” in the judo gym. Apart from that, the spacious and bright corridors offer students areas to rest, relax, and study, such as music corners, ship model areas, corner bookshelves, graffiti walls, etc. Photos of famous celebrities are displayed on the walls, which not only affords better ornamentality, but provides a platform for students to better understand and discover themselves.

As an SSI-L partner school, the school sets up a multifunctional activity room in particular for the SSI-L project team. The activity room includes areas for learning demonstration and for discussion and communication, surrounded by research-related samples such as rocks, sand, seawater, and toolboxes, tool wall, five-star project map, and a wall of photos of students’ practice. All of these allow students to be more immersed in the discussion process, and provide a good environment for project implementation.

In this activity room, the SSI-L project team of the school reported on its original design and project implementation status.

From 1995 to 2014, the length of breakwater to the southwest of Xiaoshidao Island in Weihai continued extending. As a result, it led to a significant water quality decline in the Xiaoshidao Port and other areas around the Laotai River mouth. Based on this practical issue, the school set up an SSI-L team with key staff selected from young teachers. The team selected certain issues promptly, established student groups, designed five-star maps, and conducted ongoing in-depth research on how to think about the impact of geological disasters, local economic development, and other factors on Xiaoshidao Island’s land reclamation, drawing upon the historiography and theories of land reclamation.

Then one member from the project team gave a class presentation on this topic, titled “Is it necessary to reclaim land from the sea on Xiaoshidao Island”.

In this class presentation, the teacher raised driving questions, then students analysed and summarised methods and steps of land reclamation by group discussion, student representative making speeches and between group sharing. After fully understanding theories and methods of land reclamation, each group chose one method by themselves, made use of clay to simulate sand and ocean, selected tools such as steel nails, paper clips, staples and other objects from the tool wall to build land reclamation models. The best groups then could be voted out and presented to the whole class.

This topic is about the development and improvement of the Weihai area, and close to the students living in Weihai, thus allows students to expand their thinking through various activities, improve their investigation and research capabilities, and apply multi-disciplinary knowledge proficiently into practice. It can also help students quickly blend into the context, invest their devotions and deeply engage in the construction of Weihai. All has great practical significance.

Wanghaiyuan Middle School of Weihai City

“No progress can be achieved without innovation. No inheritance can be made without traditions.” Adhering to the concept of creating a “borderless wisdom +” future campus, Wanghaiyuan Middle School is located in Huancui District, Weihai City, embraced by mountains, facing to the sea, and positioned in tranquillity and peace. Amid green hills, the comprehensive teaching building connects all functional areas with spacious corridors. Galleries and reading corners stand together with other service space such as stairs, gardens, green slopes on roofs, and sky platforms, all laying out distinctively, well-proportioned, full of charm and beauty.

Wanghaiyuan Middle School aims to cultivate talents with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physique, aesthetic and hardworking spirit. For morality education, the school sets up an integrity corner to practice moral cultivation with integrity; for intelligence education, the school is equipped with special classrooms with disciplinary characteristics and maker centres to improve students’ literacy in scientific and technological innovation; for physique education, the school takes baseball as its special sports program to build up students’ physique; for aesthetic education, the school creates a number of club rooms for students to engage in traditional painting and calligraphy, carpentry making, and sketching, etc. and experience various “beauties” of the world; for hardworking spirit, in order to strengthen labour education, the school initiates supervisors’ labour education day for students and teachers, working together to build a beautiful campus.

As of December 1, 2020, Wanghaiyuan Middle School has carried out four SSI-L learning activities. In these activities, the SSI-L teacher team designed a series of experiences, explorations, and outdoor activities, allowing students to start from hands-on experience, truly feel the role of mordant in dyeing fabrics, then build on this knowledge and expand to disciplinary levels in terms of chemistry, biology and others, and further explore the pros and cons of the plant dyeing craft on human and the environment.

In its project report, Wanghaiyuan Middle School stated that the SSI-L team has continuously deepened their understanding of the issue, made the issue setting closer to students’ life, and allowed students to have a sense of participation, experience and integration in these activities. During data collection and the revision of issues, teachers and students have been learning from each other and making mutual progress. Both parties have acquired more social awareness. Meanwhile, it is also hoped that the team will be more capable of designing its SSI learning system and making best use of the advantages of SSI, so as to improve student’s scientific thinking, train their reasoning ability and continue to broaden their horizons.

Qianshan Road Primary School of Weihai City

Founded in September 2008, Qianshan Road Primary School of Weihai features “experience education” and constructs an experience-based curriculum system with three sections — “knowledge curriculum” “action curriculum” and “creative curriculum”. The school’s six-acre field practice base is also being used to conduct activities for in-depth labour practice and experience education. The school has explored a distinctive labour education curriculum system, which provides certain practice basis for SSI issue research.

In its SSI-L project report, Qianshan Road Primary School stated that China introduced three types of lavender from Provence, France in 1964, and did trial planting in Henan, Yunnan, Shaanxi and Xinjiang. Among them, only the 65th Regiment of the Fourth Division of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps’ trial planning was successful. Weihai has several large-scale lavender planting sites, equipped with research centres. Based on this geographical advantage, Qianshan Road Primary School designed a lavender themed SSI issue and encouraged students to personally walk into the Qingquan Valley Lavender Plantation Manor in Lingang District to conduct fieldwork activities. Students have observed lavender closely and experienced the production of lavender essential oil, aromatherapy, pillows, etc. 50 five-year-old lavender seedlings were purchased. Both teachers and students picked up tools, planted their lavenders in the school planting area, and drew together a dreamlike romantic picture belonging to Qianshan Road Primary School.

Fuxin Primary School of Rongchen City

Facing the sea, the school is full of the ink fragrant. Sounds of reading comes out of this quaint campus. Built in 1994, Fuxin Primary School of Rongchen City is located in the north of Rongcheng City Government. Steeped in the long past, pieces of bricks and tiles now tell their own stories silently. Adhering to its running philosophy of “rooting and cultivating righteousness, good habits make a lifetime”, the school’s education level has been on steady rise with efforts of generations of Fuxin people over the years. Its brand building and high-quality development has also been further promoted through its characteristic course construction.

The school reported on its original design and SSI-L project implementation status.

In recent years, Rongcheng City has attached great importance to urban landscaping. A large number of landscape trees have been purchased from various places, especially the south, to create a unique coastal ecological garden city style. However, maintenance of these landscape trees transplanted from the south requires huge investment of manpower and material resources. Based on this issue, Fuxin Primary School selected several key staff in scientific research and innovation to form an SSI-L project team and carried out research on the Rongcheng landscape tree project in grades 3 to 5 synchronously by means of data collection, field investigations, surveys and interviews.

Next, a teacher from the project team gave a class presentation on the topic of “Is it necessary to select trees from the south for Rongcheng City landscape trees”.

In class presentation, students were divided into policy group, planning group, fieldwork group and survey and interview group. Information obtained in each group was collected into a report. Students shared information by individual participation or representative speeches. Through recording interview videos, displaying handwritten newspapers made of investigation photos, mapping the proportion between local grown and south transplanted trees, and other direct and clear methods, students demonstrated to others their research outcomes of “the current selection of southern landscape trees in Rongcheng Binhai Square”.

Nanhai Experimental Middle School

The construction of the new campus of Nanhai Experimental Middle School was completed in 2020. The school implements 15-year inclusive free education from the preschool stage to the high school stage. It has always adhered to the development of marine education and the construction of a unique marine school-based curriculum system. Based on students’ life-long development, the school hopes to build its brand for Nanhai education.

In its SSI-L project report, Nanhai Experimental Middle School stated that the Nanhai New Area development in Weihai has been ignited since March 2007. This new area development would inevitably bring about impact on the local environment. When the ecological damage occurs around, people’s judgments on certain issues are inevitably somehow irrational. For instance, when the number of cherrystones in Nanhai New Area is dropping sharply, the locals believe it’s the result of new area development. Based on this issue, Nanhai Experimental Middle School decides to focus on the theme of whether the Nanhai New Area development is the primary reason for the decrease of cherrystone population. Recently the school has been occupied with campus construction and other matters, so it cannot invest more to make progress in this project. But through continuous online and offline learning and discussion, a completion plan has been made including policy data collection, field surveys and visits to relevant departments, etc.

Through the research of this SSI-L project, Nanhai Experimental Middle School hopes to improve students’ capability in making predictions, conducting research and critical thinking. It is expected that students can think about issues around them with a scientific perspective, that they will take science as the principle and data as the criterion, and that they won’t make any random guess or follow others blindly. Meanwhile, it is also hoped when faced with such a highly controversial issue, students’ inquiry can provide some reasonable suggestions for social development, especially the development of Weihai.

Expert group summary

Zhang Tao

When it first came to SSI-L projects, all the partner schools in Weihai started from scratch with uncertainty. They questioned again and again: Is the selection of the topic appropriate? What kind of model should be adopted in classrooms to increase student participation to the maximum? How to set up motivating questions?… Although there are experts providing guidance online in the early stage, it is far more effective to inspire confidence of schools and project teams to pay onsite visit and offer instructions. Therefore, Lin Zurong and Lin Jing, two experts’ positive comments on the SSI-L projects from each school have made their ongoing anxieties settled. They have made clear their way forward and received may constructive suggestions. Whether it is a school that has made smooth progress or that is faced with temporary difficulties, both experts have offered very specific implementation suggestions, which brought great inspiration to schools and opened up new ideas for future project development and topic selection.

In the follow-up work, first of all, schools should set up high standards and requirements, at the meantime take into account both student development and social benefits, so that they can better implement SSI-L projects. Next, it is necessary to make good project plans. As a beginner, it is not an easy job to do a good issue-based project. So, schools will unswervingly follow the current path, keep their first step firmly on the ground, and thoroughly understand the current topics. Then, they should learn from schools from other provinces and cities and share resources. With a belief that “an advice of others can serve to correct our faults”, they can achieve joint progress among various schools. Finally, since Weihai has been at the forefront of SSI-L project research as a forerunner, it must serve as an example. All schools should collect written documents on SSI-L activity plan and implementation status, etc., then do as what they’ve said and write down what they’ve done. In so doing, this will improve teachers’ planning ability, increase their sense of accomplishment in project implementation, and also provide references for other teachers.

I hope that the five partner schools in Weihai will actively communicate with and learn from each other and build an advanced campus with the development of students’ core literacy as our goal!

Lin Zurong

After visiting each school and listening to their reports, the deepest feeling is that education is embedded in every corner of these schools, and every inch of the land has been utilized for student cultivation. These facilities, architectures, characteristic disciplines, characteristic classrooms and other settings are playing a key role in cultivating students’ aesthetics, passing on excellent cultures such as family style and family morals to students, and inculcating the importance of students’ social responsibility. Moreover, each exemplary school is equipped with a very good team of teachers. Together with much attention from school leadership, young teachers lead students to learn and discuss together, so that the teacher’s enthusiasm can be passed to every student and mutual progress can be truly achieved between teachers and students. Therefore, the development of the SSI-L project is of great significance whether it is from the perspective of student development or from the perspective of teacher growth.

Regarding the SSI-L issue of Gaoxin No. 1 Middle School Shichang Campus, Lin Zurong believed that land reclamation is a big issue, not only in line with the coastal characteristics of Weihai, but also closely related to the current social concerns. So it requires more investment of attention from students. By engaging in this SSI-L project, students can improve their awareness in urban planning and urban development construction and other abilities. In the future, when they grow up and become able to engage in city development, they will understand that they should think about urban development from various aspects. That is also very beneficial to the future development of Weihai. Through the class presentation, students have understood the environment of Xiaoshidao Island and policies and regulations of land reclamation through videos and data sorting, conducted filed research on the island to understand its regional characteristics, clarified their ideas in data analysis and group discussion, and made models by themselves. In this progressive inquiry, a number of teachers have participated together with students, broken the traditional teaching method in classrooms, mobilized the potential of the whole team to conduct activities, and fully integrated the comprehensiveness, practicality, scientificity and sociality of SSI-L.

In later stages of the project, Lin Zurong suggested that more investigation methods can be incorporated into those activities and attempts can be made in closer connection to biology. For instance, students can compare the differences of species between different beaches through data search and field investigation, then further explore whether this biological difference has a certain causal relationship with land reclamation. In so doing, the school can organize certain laboratory research courses for students and encourage them to better transfer their theoretical knowledge into experimental operations.

In Wanghaiyuan Middle School, at the early stage of its SSI-L project, teachers and students from the project team have done a lot of research work, including the collection of data and the extraction of related dyes. This work is very helpful to cultivate students’ ability to extract key points of knowledge. In terms of how to combine theory with practice in this plant dyeing issue, Lin Zurong suggested: since it is inevitable to involve dyes in the research process of plant dyeing, whether it is possible to combine the components of dyes with chemical substance identification practice, such as the identification of sulfate ion and aluminum ion; when it comes to exploring the differences between plant dyes and artificial dyes, the components analysis and identification from the perspective of chemistry discipline can help transfer theoretical knowledge into experimental operations.

Regarding the SSI topic of Qianshan Road Primary School, Lin Zurong said in addition to its viewing function, lavender can also be made into pillows, essential oils, aromatherapy and other products to meet more market demands. When lavender was introduced to China, not all places could fully demonstrate the effect of its functions. Then an issue that Qianshan Road Primary School needs to explore is to what extent lavender can be developed in the local environment of Weihai. It is good if the value of lavender particularly in Weihai can be discovered through the development of SSI issues and some suggestions can be made to brand it as one of the highlights of Weihai. But what if the research results are not as good as expected, then it’s also valuable to reduce blind investment as much as possible. In terms of practical operations, it is recommended that the production of essential oil can be transformed into some laboratory operations, such as the extraction of essential oil and aromatic oil.

In the research of Fuxin Primary School of Rongchen City, an issue that the whole society should pay attention to is “while landscape trees lead to environmental beautification, whether they will bring about other potential negative impact”. So when the school encourages its pupils to take inquiry based on this issue, the greatest significance is not to get constructive suggestions, but to allow elementary school students to increase their concerns to society and form a kind of social responsibility in a subtle way. In terms of classroom organization, Lin Zurong said that during investigation and data sorting, students’ awareness of laws and regulations, their ability to collect relevant data, and the conversion of survey data into more visually direct icons, such training of students’ abilities is not something that you can get easily from textbooks. In communication and discussion, the group learning method can definitely improve students’ teamwork awareness and their skills can be well practiced including expression and organizational skills. When there is disagreement in research results, students would doubt about the difference between their investigation data and the official data from the decision-making authority, can better understand the gap between reality and plan and pay more attention to the scientific nature of the collected data. This is also the consciousness that students need to form.

Lin Zurong believed that the Nanhai development issue selected by the Nanhai Experimental Middle School is too broad. Concerns to be taken into the team’s consideration include how to define development, whether development includes overfishing, whether other natural factors will also affect the reduction of the cherrystone population, etc. Then it is difficult to explore the causal relationship between Nanhai development and cherrystone population. So the project team can narrow down the perspectives to be considered, focus on one of the factors and explore the causal relationship between the two. Or they can start with the changes in this new area development, for instance to specify changes of water environment and then explore changes in aquatic organisms. They can also put aside the causal relationship and investigate instead only the changes of cherrystone from the perspectives of history, quality, and quantity, first starting with the correlation between cherrystone and influencing factors, and then exploring the causal relationship. That will make its project design clearer.

Lin Jing

After all school visits and classroom observations, Lin Jing spoke highly of the campus educational atmosphere from the five partner schools, pointed out that the current SSI-L work in each school truly reflects the educational philosophy of integrity cultivation, and said that AISL will further build a platform for cooperation and exchange to help schools and principals, teachers and students, to ensure support will be provided to teachers and implemented among students. Afterwards, she commented on the project of each exemplary school, and explained ideas and educational concepts of each topic.

Regarding the topic “Is it necessary to reclaim land from the sea on Xiaoshidao Island” of Gaoxin No. 1 Middle School Shichang Campus, Lin Jing said that the issue is valuable. It can inspire students to think about the reasons, pros and cons, challenges and opportunities of land reclamation from multiple perspectives and levels. The issue is closely connected with local students’ life. It can eventually be levelled up to students’ thinking of a macro topic around “human transforming nature”, which reflects key teaching goals of SSI-L.

The topic of Weihai Wanghaiyuan Middle School, “the pluses and minuses of plant dyeing clothing and chemical dyeing clothing”, and the topic of Weihai Qianshan Road Primary School, “whether the school’s pastoral base is to grow lavender or other crops”, both projects show relative high practicality and operationality. The common idea of these two can be “gratitude for the gifts of nature’s flora”, which inspires students to recognize nature’s value to mankind and think about how to use the resources endowed by nature more efficiently. In addition, during the two projects, students have participated in a lot of experiential learning, which may inspire students to start product entrepreneurship and further use their knowledge in production practice.

Lin Jing believed that the curriculum of Fuxin Primary School of Rongchen City has set a good example, which reflects not only its intentions for the project issue and curriculum design, but also its long-term cultural sediments. The topic, “is it necessary to select trees from the south for Rongcheng City landscape trees”, has much practical significance. Students have demonstrated their practical abilities in literature investigation, interviews, field research represented in the project course and their expressive ability during class presentations. That proves students have gained certain capacity in practical activities. But as shown in class presentation, student’s performance is a bit restrained. So in the coming classes, the teacher can give more voice to students and act as a listener. A successful class should be the one where students are busy. In addition, Lin Jing also commented on the upcoming issues to be carried out by the school, such as snow melting, telephone watches, and off-season vegetables, and suggested that the SSI-L school-based curriculum can also be built around a more realistic topic about Rongcheng’s modern beauty and provide more content radiating from this core.

In response to the implementation problems of the issue from Nanhai Experimental School in Wendeng District, “whether the Nanhai development is the primary reason for the decrease of cherrystone population”, Lin Jing put forward corresponding suggestions. First, this topic is very suitable to add in some teaching content about students’ field investigation. Students can measure water quality, water temperature, oxygen and other factors, and determine the physical and chemical reasons leading to the decrease of cherrystones, or use the Nanhai development as the background of SSI learning, rather than the cause. Then the topic is not to determine the causal relationship between the two, but to allow students to learn about the Nanhai development via practical topics, so as to think about the problems of the development and transformation of nature done by human. Finally, it is also necessary to include some elaboration of scientific knowledge and interdisciplinary concepts, and communication with local environmental protection staff to obtain detailed data.

In the end, Lin Jing made four specific suggestions for future project development: First, every discussion and class should be recorded in videos and photos, which will on the one hand serve as important materials for SSI-L research and data collection, on the other hand be convenient for teachers to learn some lessons from the videos and explore the appropriate SSI-L model. Second, schools should integrate their STEM teaching and other curriculum content into a main topic. Each school tells a good individual story and eventually forms its school-based curriculum with its own characteristics. Third, the exemplary schools should go global, open up an international vision, understand teaching practices in Taiwan, Macau, and even Germany, Israel, and other regions, and further promote their project development. Fourth, schools should make full use of their educational space and resources, all designs should start with a pragmatic perspective for students and make all space a place of education.

In the early stage of SSI-L projects, the progress achieved by each school is worthy of high recognition. The SSI topic is a helpful tool for education in all schools. It is hoped that the curriculum work of each school can be carried out in a more effective direction in the future, so that teachers and students can move forward together and make mutual progress!