[SSI Learning] 教学案例撰写与修改专题研讨(2021-02-03)
Cloud Salon for teaching case composing and modifying (02/03/2021)






[SSI Learning] 教学案例撰写与修改专题研讨(2021-02-03)<br>Cloud Salon for teaching case composing and modifying (02/03/2021)插图






In order to help teachers from partner schools improve their ability of writing teaching case, SSI-L project team specially invited Geng Shen, researcher from Beijing Acedemy of Educational Sciences, to provide professional guidance for them. The online conference was held at 7:30 p.m. on February 3, 2021 in TencentMeeting. Taking five teaching cases as examples, Geng Shen explained in detail about the main points of case writing and revision. More than 50 experts and backbone teachers participated in this seminar.

In terms of the article structure, Mr. Geng Shen believed that the paper of teaching case has the same logic as other types of paper. We should clearly state the writing purpose and core ideas (key innovations included) in the most obvious part of the article, and then further discuss them in detail. If the article is about analysing teaching experience, the logic can be like “what is the course like, how to teach, how can students learn from it”, and point out which kind of courses can benefit from these experiences. If the article is about the course design, it’s necessary to show the opinion first, like critizing or promoting some educational ideas, and then introduce point by point about the real practices of the course design.

For the presentation of details, Mr. Geng Shen pointed out that we should never copy exactly the course plan or teaching record. We should not aimlessly and fully state the content of teaching case. On the contrary, the case detail should be used as evidence to support the arguments in the article. For the main body of the article, the case (argument) should occupy a certain part, so should the agumentation process from points to arguments. In the argumentation, unnecessary details can be negelected, or they will distract the audience’s attention. Dr. Lin Jing from Beijing Normal University suggested that we should delete the theory and detail descriptions irrelevant to the major theme. We should pay attention not to generalize our opinions; instead, we should focus on one core idea. She also suggested that if it’s a conculsive teaching case made by different lessons, we should give a systemtic introduction about its overall design and use the most powerful details in the case as examples.

Mr. Geng Shen reminded all the teachers that it’s not recommended to convey the teacher-centered idea in the article, and it’s neither advised to pin down students’ inquiry into certain results. Instead, we should stress the student-centered teaching philosophy, and value open-ended questions. Dr. Lin reminded that all the teachers should pay attention to the quality of pictures they used in their papers.

Regarding the teaching case written by Tianxin Primary School from Wangcheng District, Changsha City, Hunan Province, Mr. Geng Shen extracted four points, including “social investigation methods”, “students’ ability to express”, “ability to question” and “ability to debate”. He suggested using these four points as the logic to structure the article and conduct the discussion.

About the teaching case provided by Wenzhou Dalton Elementary School in Zhejiang Province, Mr. Geng Shen suggested to merge the last two modules of this five-module course design and add artistic evaluation indicators in the fourth module. He further extracted three points as “course module”, “system of rules of traditional poker and board role-playing games (BRPG)”, “quantitative ordering of food nutrition”, and suggested to use these three points to structure the article.

About the other teaching case from Wenzhu Dalton Elementary School, Mr. Geng pointed out that when the issue is complex enough, the students’ research results will be more open-ended, so the course design should be more flexible, leaving more space for students to produce something. Mr. Geng suggested to write the article based on three points, “analyzing questions”, “designing plans” and “making models”. He also proposed to go deep into the content of cooperation ability, communication ability, and independent learning ability in the teaching case.

Regarding the teaching case writen by Weihai Qianshanlu Elementary School of Shandong Province, Mr. Geng Shen suggested to revise the title, and organize the article by the following four points, “scientific design”, “students’ inquiry”, “planting experience”, and “fruits of labor” , and connect the whole article by “labor consciousness” as the core.

For the teaching case from Jiancaoping Experimental Middle School in Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province, Mr. Geng Shen pointed out that this case falls into the issue of ecological civilization and environmental protection, which is quite complex. So as the the former case in “community building”, this one also needs to pay attention to the course design. Mr. Geng suggested to put the parts that were not included or not discussed in the issue to the end of the article, such as “the thickness of plastic track ”, and raise them in the form of reflection or discussion.

After this seminar, all the teachers can have a better understanding about the teaching case composing and modifying. We hope in the future they can have excellent achievements in the following SSI-L research.