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The Xieying Program of SSI-L Project Successfully Convened its End-of-Semester Review Meeting (2024-06-29)


“社会性科学议题学习”项目“撷英计划”组期末总结会顺利举行(2024-06-29) <br>The Xieying Program of SSI-L Project Successfully Convened its End-of-Semester Review Meeting (2024-06-29)插图


“社会性科学议题学习”项目“撷英计划”组期末总结会顺利举行(2024-06-29) <br>The Xieying Program of SSI-L Project Successfully Convened its End-of-Semester Review Meeting (2024-06-29)插图1




On June 29, 2024, from 9:00 to 12:00, the Xieying Program of BNU Socioscientific Issues-based Learning (SSI-L) project held an end-of-semester review meeting at the Jingshi Building of Beijing Normal University, to exchange views and reflect on the teaching situation and existing problems of the SSI-L course “Global Warming” in this semester, and to discuss work plans the next step. The meeting was attended by members of the project office, teaching teams from two partner schools, and Liu Yunbaifan, deputy director of the Education Reform Experiment Office of the Basic Education Development Management Department at Beijing Normal University. Lin Jing, the head of the SSI-L project and director of the Science Education Development Department at the Collaborative Innovation Center of Assessment for Basic Education Quality in China, presided over the meeting.

First, representatives of the teaching teams from the two partner schools summarized their SSI-L course teaching situation, their gains, and existing problems this semester. Other team members provided additional information. Wang Cheng, from the Experimental High School Attached to Beijing Normal University, introduced the course teaching situation around the transformation and gains of students’ participation in course learning. He raised the perplexities and problems that existed in teaching and reflected on them. Wu Huina, from the Asia-Pacific Experimental School of Beijing Normal University, focused on the thematic content of the course and introduced in detail the teaching situation for each theme, shortcomings that existed in the teaching process, students’ transformations, and teachers’ gains. She also generally analyzed the existing problems and improvement measures based on the actual teaching and student conditions. Teachers from the two partner schools also exchanged views on the SSI-L course teaching, fully affirming the educational value of the SSI-L course in promoting the development of teachers and students.

After that, Liu Yunbaifan, from the Basic Education Development Management Department, exchanged views with the attending teachers on the positioning, planning, and objectives of the project. Liu indicated that the Socioscientific Issues-based Learning (SSI-L) project has done solid work from the implementation process to the phased summaries, making tangible contributions to educational reform experiments. Liu expressed her gratitude to the participating schools and teachers and looked forward to more outcomes from the project.

Finally, the project leader, Lin Jing, summarized the meeting and proposed specific achievable outcomes based on the situation of the two partner schools. She also discussed details with the teachers and put forward plans and visions for the next steps. The project team is expected to make further breakthroughs and better demonstrate the educational value of SSI-L in promoting the development of teachers and students.