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SSI-L Project Collaboration Seminar Successfully Convened at Yuxin School Affiliated to Capital Normal University (2024-06-19)



有关议题的争议性,耿老师与学校教师团队进行了深入的交流和探讨。他建议让学生提出具有争议性的问题,并引导学生深入交流和参与活动设计。同时,他也提出了一些具体的争议性问题,如“无糖饮料是否比有糖饮料更健康?” “鲜榨果汁与直接食用水果哪个更好?”以及“食品添加剂的使用是否安全?”等。唐主任则结合夏季瓶装饮料瓶垃圾增多的现象,提出了“鲜榨饮料与瓶装饮料哪个更环保?”“饮料可回收对环境的影响”以及“一次性包装与可回收包装哪个更合适?”等议题,这些议题旨在引导学生从多个角度思考问题,并鼓励他们创新性地寻找解决方案。



撰稿人:首都师范大学附属育新学校 焦健健

首都师范大学附属育新学校社会性科学议题学习项目合作研讨会顺利举行(2024-06-19)<br>SSI-L Project Collaboration Seminar Successfully Convened at Yuxin School Affiliated to Capital Normal University (2024-06-19)插图


On the afternoon of June 19, 2024, the Yuxin School Affiliated to Capital Normal University, the BNU SSI-L project partner school, successfully held a seminar on the SSI-L collaborative research project. Geng Shen, the BNU SSI-L project disciplinary guidance expert and researcher of the Beijing Academy of Educational Science, Peng Menghua, a special-rank physics teacher of the Second High School Attached to BNU, members of the project office, and teachers of the Yuxin School SSI-L project team attended the meeting.

During the meeting, Tang Feng, director of the Curriculum Center of Yuxin School, Jiao Jianjian and Li Ping, teachers from the eighth-grade project team, had an in-depth discussion on the school’s SSI course “Sweet Temptation – How to View Beverages?” First, Tang elaborated on the overall course framework, the task-driven problem design, and the preliminary course planning. In the early stage of the course, students were given full autonomy to encourage them to raise questions, exchange ideas, develop plans and try to solve problems. For the subsequent course design, Geng Shen emphasized the importance of integrating issue design with the curriculum standards and students’ learning conditions. He also identified the scope of the subject area for the course, which is health, economy and environmental protection. Among them, beverages and health, as the key theme, will be the focus of course discussion. As the discussion further develops, the course will gradually expand to fields of economy, society and environmental protection, so as to enhance students’ sense of social responsibility. Geng pointed out that the students’ knowledge age and cognitive level should be fully considered in the course design. It was advocated to promote the course design in a generative way.

Regarding the controversial nature of the issue, Geng had an in-depth exchange and discussion with the school’s teaching team. He suggested allowing students to raise controversial questions, have in-depth exchanges, and participate in activity design. Meanwhile he also put forward a number of specific controversial questions, for instance, “Are sugar-free beverages healthier than sugary ones?” “Which is better, freshly squeezed juice or directly having fruits?” “Is it safe to use food additives?” etc. Combined with the phenomenon that the amount of waste bottles generated from bottled beverages increases in summer, Tang Feng raised several issues, such as “Which is more environmentally friendly, freshly squeezed beverages or bottled ones?” “The impact of beverage recycling on the environment” and “Which is more suitable, disposable packaging or recyclable packaging?” These issues are intended to guide students to think about problems from multiple perspectives and encourage them to find solutions innovatively.

Scientific modeling, as an important scientific practice proposed by the international science education community, also received full attention in this seminar. Liu Yangdan, from the SSI-L project office, pointed out that certain cognitive models begin to take shape in students’ daily lives. Through activities such as learning, research and experiments, they might constantly overturn, modify and improve these cognitive models to further explain phenomena scientifically or solve problems. This is of great significance for developing students’ scientific literacy and practical ability. In addition, Liu proposed that students should be tasked with replicating popular beverages and making a similar beverage in groups through the approaches of milk tea shop surveys, data collection and experiments. In this process, students need to take overall consideration of multiple factors such as health, cost and safety, and then write reports and conduct evaluation analysis.

Finally, director Tang proposed using debates, role-play and round-table forums as the end-of-semester activities for the course. These activities are designed to encourage students to express their views from different perspectives and try to make health lists for comprehensive scoring. With the prerequisite of not prohibiting drinking beverages, students will learn how to choose a healthier lifestyle to achieve the goal of a healthy life.

Contributor: Jiao Jianjian, Yuxin School Affiliated to Capital Normal University