[SSI Learning] 全国初中学段研讨纪要(2020-09-09)
Minutes of the online meeting for SSI Learning project in middle schools(9/9/2020)




[SSI Learning] 全国初中学段研讨纪要(2020-09-09)<br>Minutes of the online meeting for SSI Learning project in middle schools(9/9/2020)插图

图1  全国初中学段基地校首次在线研讨部分剪影


On the basis of the previous workshop on “Instructional Design and School-based Implementation of Socio-scientific Issues”, the project team regularly arranges online seminars for schools of different sections to design high-quality SSI-L activity plans. The first session, aimed at middle school students, was held via Tencent online conference room from 7:00 pm to 10:30 pm on September 9th, 2020. Hosted by Mr. Zhang Tao, Head of the National Middle School Section of SSI-L project and Director of Education and Teaching Research Center of Weihai, Shandong, the meeting was attended by around 60 people, including backbone teachers from 10 partner schools in middle schools, AISL expert team members, as well as backbone teachers of elementary and high schools.

Despite the tight schedule at the beginning of the school year, teachers from the partner schools prepared their lessons carefully and completed the design of the top plan. Some schools even finished a complete themed SSI learning project, and made a detailed teaching plan for each activity. Mr. Zhang Tao invited Dr. Lin Jing, Project Leader of SSI Learning and Director of the Science Education Quality Development Department of China Collaborative Innovation Center of Assessment for Basic Education Quality, and Mr. Peng Menghua, head of the AISL expert team and a special-ranked physics teacher from the Second High School Attached To Beijing Normal University, to attend the online seminar as expert instructors. The backbone teachers of each partner school gave a brief introduction of the SSI-L activities they had developed, and then Dr. Lin Jing, Mr. Peng Menghua and Mr. Zhang Tao provided comments and suggestions on each case. Liang Jie, AISL expert team member, core member of the National Chinese Curriculum Standard Revision Group, and a special-ranked Chinese teacher of Beijing No. 5 High School, Ding Qinghong, a special-ranked teacher and teaching researcher of physics at Research Institute of Shijingshan District, Beijing, and Professor Zhang Ronghua from Shanxi Normal University also participated in this discussion, and put forward insights. The participating teachers asked questions and shared their thoughts in the conference room, raising a lively discussion. At the end of the meeting, Dr. Lin Jing made a summary and emphasized the following points: SSI-L is an interdisciplinary learning aimed at key competencies, and the activity design is difficult. Teachers must pay full attention to improving the efficiency of activity design, class preparation and class implementation through teamwork. Schools should set up a team of teachers, and build a system to promote collaboration among teachers of different subjects, so as to continuously optimize the activity design. Schools should also provide a certain amount of class guarantee so that students have sufficient time to think and practice in SSI learning. The overall goal of the SSI-L program is to develop students’ key competencies and to promote the implementation of morality education. Therefore, when designing activities, teachers should not only focus on the improvement of scientific literacy, but also set goals for the cultivation of ethics, emotional attitudes and the like. All the teachers at the meeting agreed the above, and said they would actively coordinate class planning with schools and continuously optimize the project plan.

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. The first online seminar not only helped the teachers of the partner school to design SSI-L activities, but also provided examples and experiences for elementary and high schools to conduct online seminars. Subsequent online seminars will be held for elementary schools and high schools across the country, and all partner schools are welcome to participate in the interactive discussion and jointly promote the high-quality implementation of the SSI-L project.