[SSI Learning] 北京区域暨全国高中学段研讨纪要(2020-12-24)
Minutes of the meeting for SSI learning project in Beijing area and high schools (12/24/2020)


1. 北京九中


[SSI Learning] 北京区域暨全国高中学段研讨纪要(2020-12-24)<br>Minutes of the meeting for SSI learning project in Beijing area and high schools (12/24/2020)插图

图1  北京九中学生代表做分享汇报
Picture 1 Student representative of Beijing No. 9 High School giving presentation

2. 北京师范大学附属中学


[SSI Learning] 北京区域暨全国高中学段研讨纪要(2020-12-24)<br>Minutes of the meeting for SSI learning project in Beijing area and high schools (12/24/2020)插图1

图2  北京师范大学附属中学张亚做分享汇报
Picture 2 Zhang Ya from the High School Affiliated to Beijing Normal University giving presentation

3. 北京师范大学第二附属中学


[SSI Learning] 北京区域暨全国高中学段研讨纪要(2020-12-24)<br>Minutes of the meeting for SSI learning project in Beijing area and high schools (12/24/2020)插图2

图3  北京师范大学第二附属中学彭梦华做分享汇报
Picture 3 Peng Menghua from the Second High School Affiliated to Beijing Normal University giving presentation




To advance the SSI-L research progress in regional alliance schools and high-school stage exemplary schools, it was decided to merge the Beijing regional partner school discussion and the high-school stage discussion into one after negotiation. The online discussion was held on December 24, 2020 from 19:00-21:00 via Tencent meeting. Peng Menghua, head of the AISL disciplinary guidance expert committee, head of the Beijing area project, and a special rank senior teacher of physics from the Second High School Affiliated to Beijing Normal University, Tan Yongping, head of the high-school stage SSI-L project team and director of the Biology Office, People’s Education Press, Lin Jing, head of the SSI-L project and head of the Department of Science Education Quality Development of the Collaborative Innovation Center of Assessment for Basic Education Quality at Beijing Normal University and other experts attended the meeting. More than 20 teachers from Beijing regional partner schools and schools of each stage participated in this discussion.

1. Beijing No. 9 High School

Under the theme of “combating pandemic and responsibility”, student representatives from Beijing No. 9 High School debriefed their implementation process on the topic — “What is the safe distance between people during pandemic”. The presentation followed steps of research topic identification, literature search, testing plan design, testing and improvement. They also used videos to introduce in detail multiple physical experiments they have carried out. Min Jia, from the High School Affiliated to East China University of Political Science and Law, spoke highly of the activity plan and presentation format of Beijing No. 9 High School, and pointed out that the activities are open to allow students to engage in the process of project design. From qualitative experiments, quantitative experiments to modern technology modelling, all is beneficial to students’ high-level thinking development of abilities of modelling, analysis and problem-solving. At the same time, Min Jia was also interested in the social responsibility aspects of the plan and hoped to see further research results.

2. The High School Affiliated to Beijing Normal University

Zhang Ya, from the High School Affiliated to Beijing Normal University, reported on the school project— “SSI Learning of wild animals and viruses during COVID”, including project background, project information, implementation plan and follow-up work. The presentation focused on the implementation process, such as molecular traceability research and suggestions on region-specific, multi-level targeted approaches to epidemic prevention and control in terms of wild animals. Li Yongping, from Jiufang High School in Zhuzhou, Hunan Province, pointed out that the project team of the High School Affiliated to Beijing Normal University has taken a unique approach, focusing on issues between wild animals and virus, then encouraging students to pay more attention to society and scientific knowledge application, which helps strengthen their sense of social responsibility. Meanwhile, on research methods, the team has demonstrated flexible and diverse methods such as online and offline learning, online platforms, small-scale courses on specific issues, workshops, etc., so as to explore more ideas for follow-up activities.

3. The Second High School Affiliated to Beijing Normal University

As head of the AISL disciplinary guidance expert committee and head of the Beijing area project, Peng Menghua participated in SSI-L related discussions, provided suggestions for project design for each school, at the meantime, proposed an SSI-L project, titled “Can electroacoustic string instruments replace traditional string instruments”, based on a summary of the activities of experimental classes in previous projects with consideration of the specific situation of the Second High School Affiliated to Beijing Normal University. The team focused on the science, economy, culture, political history, art and other aspects involved in their project design and specific activity arrangements. Zhao Yan, a teacher from Beijing 101 High School, believed that this case can stimulate students’ interest in learning and help them take an active role in designing relevant action plans and research investigations. The project also incorporates elements of history, artistic aesthetics, etc., in consistent with the scientific knowledge of physical acoustics, which is conducive to improving students’ comprehensive literacy. Moreover, the 18-week teaching plan is also detailed and easy to follow up.

After that, Peng Menghua reflected on the project development process of the Second High School Affiliated to Beijing Normal University. He pointed out that the discussion between electroacoustic string instruments and traditional string instruments should be inconclusive. With the development of science and technology, the two instruments should develop together and complement each other. This project can help cultivate students’ comprehensive literacy. At the same time, when looking for a topic, the project team should have more observation of the surrounding environment, more understanding of the students, start from the actual situation of the students, and allow students to gain benefit. Peng Menghua also affirmed the reports of Beijing No. 9 High School and the High School Affiliated to Beijing Normal University, and pointed out that Beijing No. 9 Middle School should further clarify the scope of topics and formulate a teaching hour plan.

Lin Jing gave full affirmation to the three schools. The SSI-L plan of Beijing No.9 High School shows the leading role of high schools. It is very creative to simulate droplet transmission with flour or magic smoke pen. Follow-up work can further its overall design based on the activities that have been carried out previously. The project team of the High School Affiliated to Beijing Normal University has been excellent in both the online education of COVID prevention and control and the existing life education. The top-level design of the SSI learning activities at the school level has been carried out based on the existing foundations, constructing a grand topic as the focal issue and then continuously creating and polishing specific activities, for instance, how to understand virus evolution, how to combat virus, and why can’t we eat wild animals. Ideas represented on the five-star map designed by the project team of the Second High School Affiliated to Beijing Normal University are all fantastic, embedding big themes in small issues, with newest topics and diverse content. Lin Jing further pointed out that it is necessary to formulte top-level design based on the framework of SSI-Learning activities, then gradually identify research topics in the process of formulation, further modify the topics, consider connection between the topic and star diagram, current curriculum standards, and students’ development of core literacy, and eventually come down to specific learning goals and evaluation content.

This discussion of project analysis of each high-school stage school will help advance SSI-L design and development. It is hoped that all schools will not forget their original intentions in the subsequent stages and that they can formulate overall plans, design and implement activities with high quality.