[SSI Learning] 全国初中学段研讨纪要(2020-12-30)
Minutes of the online meeting for SSI Learning project in middle schools (12/30/2020)



[SSI Learning] 全国初中学段研讨纪要(2020-12-30)<br>Minutes of the online meeting for SSI Learning project in middle schools (12/30/2020)插图

图 1  威海市望海园中学五星图设计


[SSI Learning] 全国初中学段研讨纪要(2020-12-30)<br>Minutes of the online meeting for SSI Learning project in middle schools (12/30/2020)插图1

图 2  威海市高新区一中世昌校区五星图设计


[SSI Learning] 全国初中学段研讨纪要(2020-12-30)<br>Minutes of the online meeting for SSI Learning project in middle schools (12/30/2020)插图2

图 3  杭州市三墩中学五星图设计


[SSI Learning] 全国初中学段研讨纪要(2020-12-30)<br>Minutes of the online meeting for SSI Learning project in middle schools (12/30/2020)插图3

图 4  北京的外国语大学瑞安附属中学五星图设计


[SSI Learning] 全国初中学段研讨纪要(2020-12-30)<br>Minutes of the online meeting for SSI Learning project in middle schools (12/30/2020)插图4

图 5  山西省太原市尖草坪区实验中学五星图设计


[SSI Learning] 全国初中学段研讨纪要(2020-12-30)<br>Minutes of the online meeting for SSI Learning project in middle schools (12/30/2020)插图5

图 6  山西省临汾市解放路学校五星图设计


A good top-level design is the fundamental guarantee for the successful implementation of the SSI-L project and the guideline for the design of the follow-up courses. In order to encourage all partner schools to refine their top-level designs and exchange ideas about the problems they meet in their design processes, the middle schools involved in the SSI-L project attended the third online seminar which was held through the Tencent Conference Room from 7pm to 9:30pm on December 30th, 2020. Six partner schools where the SSI-L project is better carried out gave reports on their top-level designs and shared related ideas. Zhang Tao, who is in charge of all the middle schools in the project and also the director of the middle school teaching and research office in Weihai, Shangdong, chaired the seminar. Backbone teachers from the 10 middle schools, 40 directors and teachers from other schools took part in this seminar.

Wang Yufeng, a teacher from Wanghaiyuan Middle School in Weihai, Shandong, reported on their modification thoughts and design about the topic “whether clothes dyed by vegetation dyes should be popularized vigorously”. Wanghaiyuan Middle School has repeatedly discussed about and refined the representation form and the five-star chart design of the topic, striving to improve them in a more scientific, more socialized and more operational way. When it comes to the project evaluation, the combination of student self-evaluation, teacher evaluation and mutual evaluation for the students’ work is employed. At the end of the report, Ms. Wang put forward their ideas on how to optimize the project in the future, in the hope that all partner schools could exchange and share resources as well as sort, modify and optimize resources together. Mr. Kong from Shichang School of the No.1 Middle School in the high-tech development zone of Weihai deemed that the repeated modification and optimization of Wanghaiyuan Middle School was worth learning from. And he also thought that their design was approaching perfection, hoping that students could display their work at the end of the course. Teacher Zhang Tao gave advice on the expression of science and policy sections in the five-star chart, suggesting that their expression should be more accurate and precise.

Kong Pengfei, a teacher from Shichang School of the No.1 Middle School in the high-tech development zone of Weihai gave a report on the topic “whether there’s a need to reclaim land from the sea in Xiaoshi Island”. Based on the background that the sea reclamation constantly springs up all over the world, this topic explores the necessity of sea reclamation in Weihai, which is not only a hot issue in society, but also close to students’ life. Mr. Kong elaborated on the design of the five-star chart, which was closely related to the topic of sea reclamation. He also designed nine teaching activities on the basis of the five-star chart. Besides, Shichang School also put forward another four questions: how to promote students to develop behavioral norms in the class; whether there is a teaching evaluation model fit for the SSI-L; how to promote students’ logic of presentation and how to infiltrate the ideas of SSI in daily teaching. Qiao Ranjie, a teacher from Wanghaiyuan Middle School, considered that the design of the five-star chart was detailed and we should not demand too much on students’ logic because of their age. Wangzhen, a teacher from Wanghaiyuan Middle School thought that we could guide students to have an overall consideration about the national policy and the local development. Yu Dongsheng, a teacher from the Experimental Middle School in Nanhai District of Weihai, deemed that the sea reclamation was controversial and remained to be discussed. Teacher Zhang Tao offered the following suggestions: the site inspection class could be arranged in advance to develop students’ perceptual knowledge; teachers could give students more freedom considering the behavioral norms in the class; teaching by unit which is organized through big ideas is the key point in the educational reform now and each course could find their own starting point.

Wu Xingchun, a teacher from Sandun Middle School in Hangzhou reported their topic “whether human could prevent and control water eutrophication”, which is inspired by the water eutrophication in their school, thus closed to students’ study and life. Teachers from Sandun Middle School first designed the contents of each class and then pinned down the five-star chart and the orientation of the key competencies. The course evaluation system combines mutual evaluation, self-evaluation and teacher evaluation. And the laboratory will also provide awards. All above means that the design of the course system is comparatively sound. Xue Xiaofeng, a teacher from the Rui’an Affiliated Middle School of Beijing Foreign Studies University, affirmed that the topic was close to students’ life; their classes were diversified and the evaluation system was reasonable. Meanwhile, he also discussed on how to present the controversy of this topic with Mr. Wu. Teacher Zhang Tao thought that this topic was scientific but didn’t have social meaning. Mr. Wu replied that the water eutrophication was affected by human social activities, so students could consider the topic from the perspective of human activities.

Xue Xiaofeng, a teacher from Rui’an Affiliated Middle School of Beijing Foreign Studies University, gave a summary on their topic “whether you will choose glasses or laser surgery to correct vision”. The topic is inspired by the “bright eyes and white teeth” project in Wenzhou, which is also close to our daily life. The learning objectives in each unit include knowledge and theory, analysis and application, thinking and dialectics, prevention and policy, which reflects the scientific and social meaning of the course. As for the learning evaluation, this course adopted articles, physical models, data models and posters to evaluate students’ performance. The teaching process is carried out through the form of “three layers of intelligence”, which first develops students’ ability to transform information to “work”, then develops students’ ability to communicate with teams and model, and last develops students’ application ability. At the end of the sharing, Mr. Xue raised the following questions: whether there is emphasis on students’ cultivation of thinking; how to support students to probe into some topic; how to balance students’ interest and the knowledge in follow-up courses. Dong Yanping, a teacher from Sandun Middle School in Hangzhou, thought this topic is closely related to students, which could stimulate students’ learning motivation and interest, so teachers could hold more diversified activities in learning to improve students’ practical abilities. Teacher Zhang Tao deemed that other schools could learn a lot from this course.

Zhang Lan, a teacher from the Experimental Middle School in Jiancaoping District of Taiyuan, Shanxi, reported on their topic “the future development of the plastic running tracks”, which is also from students’ daily life. This topic is involved in biology, physics, chemistry and some other subjects, so the teachers in this topic are from different subjects and they draw up driving questions related to their subjects. In the implementation process of the project, students’ practical abilities and self-learning abilities are improved significantly. However, the five-star chart was not infiltrated to the students well in the teaching activities. Ji Qingqing, a teacher from Jiefanglu Middle School in Linfen, Shanxi, thought that this topic was closely related to students’ life and students could extensively participate in the practical activities, which could be worth learning from. Teacher Zhang Tao thought that this topic is an open-ended and creative question, which was worthy of study.

Ji Qingqing, a teacher from Jiefanglu Middle School in Linfen, Shanxi, gave a report on their topic “whether the massive introduction of GM soybeans is good”, which is a hot social issue and has great scientific meaning and research value. According to the five-star chart of this topic, Jiefanglu Middle School has carried out 10-hour classes, having lots of achievements. Zhang Lan, a teacher from the Experimental Middle School in Jiancaoping District, affirmed the display of their achievements and raised some questions about the detailed design of each class. Teacher Meng Chunlin suggested that we should consider the topic from interdisciplinary perspective to enrich the course content. Teacher Zhang Tao deemed that the difference between this topic and other topics was that the GM food was still controversial in scientific areas, so there’s a need to consider how to deal with the topic properly. Besides, teachers also need to think about the relation between activities and the topic itself, avoiding forms outweighing contents.

Teacher Zhang Tao summarized the main content of this seminar, holding the idea that this seminar reflected three characteristics: firstly, the top-level designs in each partner school has improved greatly; secondly, all partner schools not only consider the design, but also carry out lots of teaching practices; thirdly, all partner schools seem to explore more into the topics with both scientific and social meanings. This online seminar is overall productive, offering great support for partner schools to further successfully carry out SSI-L project in the new year.