[SSI Learning] 北京师范大学SSI-L项目鲁辽黑黔区域实验学校联盟新学期工作会议召开
The new semester work meeting of Shandong, Liaoning, Heilongjiang and Guizhou regional experimental schools alliance of SSI-L of Beijing Normal University was held


[SSI Learning] 北京师范大学SSI-L项目鲁辽黑黔区域实验学校联盟新学期工作会议召开<br>The new semester work meeting of Shandong, Liaoning, Heilongjiang and Guizhou regional experimental schools alliance of  SSI-L of Beijing Normal University was held插图


在会议的第一议程,张涛主任对课题进展情况、联盟有效运行及联盟学校领导和教师的辛勤付出表示肯定。他表示上学期联盟本照“智慧众筹 抱团发展”的初衷,按照“举众人之力,集众人之智,成众人之事,推进专业发展共同体建设”的构思,在总课题组的指导帮助下,带领各学校在SSI-L项目研究上取得很大的成绩。接着,张涛主任从上学期项目梳理和新学期开展活动两方面进行了工作部署。对于上学期项目梳理工作,提出要形成课程纲要,撰写好工作报告,对于项目开展过程中的亮点要撰写出案例或论文,对于过程性资料要整理归档。对于新学期将要开展的工作,安排了召开实验学校负责人工作会议、选题交流研讨会、巡回现场观摩交流会、参加总项目组校长培训会、微视频大赛、参加学段研讨会及撰写案例和论文等七项活动,同时又提出了后续要召开线下研讨会议等设想。




On March 9, 2021, the Shandong, Liaoning, Heilongjiang, and Guizhou Regional Partner School Alliance of Beijing Normal University’s SSI-L Project held an online work conference for the new semester. This meeting was hosted by Yu Zhiqian, chariman of the alliance and principal of Shichang Branch School of Weihai High-tech Zone No.1 Middle School. More than 20 people attended this meeting, including Zhang Tao, regional leader of SSI-L project in Shandong and director of the middle school teaching and research office of Weihai Teaching and Research Center, Yang Jun, professor from Guizhou Normal University, Wang Xian, office director of Weihai Teaching and Research Center, Jiang Rong, director of Weihai High-tech Zone Teaching and Reserch Center, as well as principals and project leaders from the alliance.

This meeting had two issues on the agenda. First of all, Mr. Zhang Tao shared the overall scheme of the alliance work in 2021, and then school leaders from the alliance gave their ideas, suggestions and needs for the development of SSI-L projects in 2021.

In the first part of the meeting, Mr. Zhang Tao first praised the progress of SSI-L projects and the effetive operation of the school alliance. Meanwhile, he appreciated all the hard work made by the school leaders and teachers in the alliance. He said, since last semester, the alliance has been sticking to the original aspiration of “thinking and developing together”, and following the ideas of “taking everyone’s strength, gathering everyone’s wisdom, working for everyone’s common good, so to build a community with shared professional development”. And with the help of the general project team, the alliance has guided all schools to make great achievements in the SSI-L projects.

Then, Mr. Zhang Tao made the work arrangements for 2021 by reviewing projects in the last semester and developing actitvies in the new semester. For last semester’s project reviewing, he proposed that we need to write the course outline, the work report, cases or papers for the highlights during the process, as well as sorting and archiving the procedural materials. For the work to be carried out in the new semester, he said the alliance has arranged seven activities, including a work meeting for heads of the experimental schools, a topic exchange seminar, on-site observation and idea exchange, training for principals in the general project team, micro-video competition, seminars for different sections and case or paper writing. He also proposed the idea of holding offline seminars in the follow-up.

In the second part of the meeting, heads of the alliance schools expressed their ideas and suggestions on the time and organization pattern of these activities, as well as their needs in developing the projects. Wang Jing, principal from Wanghaiyuan Middle School agreed with the alliance’s work arrangements and is looking forward to the training for principals in the national project team. Cai Yingzi, deputy principal of Nanhai New District Experimental Middle School, and Sun Xin, principal of Harbin Jihong Primary School both said case writing is a good way to improve teacher’s writing skills, and they proposed to organize more activities to motivate teachers to get more involved. Wang Yingxin, dean of Guiyang Experimental No.1 Middle School, and Guo Li, dean of Liaoning Jianping Qingfengshan School, said they encountered some problems last semester, and hope they can visit different schools to learn from their experience. Li Xiaoyan, deputy principal of Fuxin Primary School, mentioned that their teachers have gained a lot from the activities in the last semester, and hoped that in the new semester they could make greater progress through the exchanges between schools.

In the end, Mr. Zhang Tao made a concluding speech for today’s meeting. He firstly thanked the principals and leaders from the alliance for their recognition and support of their work. Then, he shared his personal understanding of this project and what it means to the development of schools. He said SSI-L project represents a more advanced way of teaching. It’s the direction of future curriculum reform. If we could take advantage of this project, it cannot only help develop students’ core literacy and improve teachers professional skills, but also set an example for the school curriculum, unfolding more scientific research of school education, promoting the transformation of teaching methods, and highlighting the school philosophy and features.

The convening of this meeting make it clear to all partner schools the tasks of this semester, and allowed them to work under the same guidance. It also inspired the leaders and teachers from the alliance schools to be more determined and persistent in carrying out the SSI-L project.