[SSI Learning] 全国初中学段研讨纪要(2021-04-14)
Minutes of the online meeting for SSI Learning project in middle schools (04/14/2021)



[SSI Learning] 全国初中学段研讨纪要(2021-04-14)<br>Minutes of the online meeting for SSI Learning project in middle schools (04/14/2021)插图

图1  临汾市解放路学校学生活动成果

Fig. 1 The Students’ Activity Result of Shanxi Linfen Jiefang Road School




山东省威海市高新区一中世昌校区的孔鹏飞老师对本校议题“威海是否应该建设潮汐能发电站”进行了汇报。孔老师首先介绍了潮汐能的发电原理、威海市的地理条件与威海潮汐能发电站的建设基础,提出该议题具有一定的历史背景与较高的讨论价值。随后,孔老师介绍了议题的顶层设计以及具体的课时设计。由科学、政策、 安全、社会、经济五个方面组成的星形图展现了该议题所涉及的内容较为广泛,具有较强的社会性。本议题课程分为八个课时,由对潮汐能发电的原理、潮汐能与其他发电形式的比较作为引入;随后学生利用社会调研、查阅资料等多种方式了解潮汐能发电的安全性以及对社会的影响;最后,学生需要分析潮汐能发电的利弊、成本和收益,并在最终的听证会中展示自己的思考。此外,孔老师表示课题组仍然希望进一步对上学期“小石岛是否需要填海造陆”这一议题进行深挖,但是目前的思路和方向尚未清晰。

[SSI Learning] 全国初中学段研讨纪要(2021-04-14)<br>Minutes of the online meeting for SSI Learning project in middle schools (04/14/2021)插图1

图2  威海市高新区一中世昌校区课程组织情况

Fig. 2 The Course Organization Situation Shichang Campus of No. 1 Middle School of High-tech Zone, Weihai






At 7:00-8:30 pm of April 14, 2021, the middle school team of SSI-L project hold the second online seminar of this semester in the Tencent conference room. The main content of this seminar was about the plans for two partner schools, being Shanxi Linfen Jiefang Road School and Shichang Campus of No. 1 Middle School of High-tech Zone, Weihai, Shandong. The seminar was hosted by Zhang Tao, the Head of Middle School Section and the Director of the Middle School Teaching and Research Department of Shandong Weihai Education and Teaching Research Center, and was commented by Peng Menghua, the subject guidance expert, and Lin Jing, the project leader. More than 30 backbone teachers and subject guidance experts from 10 partner schools in the middle school section participated in this seminar.

Ji Qingqing, from Shanxi Linfen Jiefang Road School, reported the project of “Prevention and Control of COVID-19” implemented by the school in the new semester. First, Ji introduced the detailed content of the star chart in the course from five aspects, including policy, science, ethic, safety, and economy. As can be seen from the design of the star chart, this topic has close relationship with all aspects of society, with strong scientific and social nature. Subsequently, Ji introduced the detailed design of the 12 classes. The course of this semester starts with the study of human plague history, followed by contents of exploration in the fields of virus, immunization, infectious diseases, and vaccines, and the harm of COVID-19 to national economy and society and its prevention and control measures are also learned with an international perspective. Finally, Ji introduced students’ activities and results in the already finished three classes. Due to that  those students have had the learning basis of SSI courses in the last semester, they can analyze the related issues of COVIC-19 from each perspectives of the star chart, and systematically sort out the world’s large epidemics from different angles. The students’ results showed that SSI courses have certain effect on the cultivation of students’ scientific thinking.

Zhang Tao pointed out that the design of this topic is various in forms and has full contents, but currently it is still necessary to propose a driving question for this design, so that students can discuss and research focusing on this controversial and the driving question, and keep on studying. Regarding the already finished teaching, Zhang Tao has confirmed the activity of asking students to design star chart on their own during the detailed implementation of the project, and he believed that this activity can further enhance the cultivation of students’ thinking in the SSI course of last semester. Additionally, Zhang Tao pointed out that in the themed design of Class 11, it is necessary to further clarify the distinction between the common cold and the influenza.

Lin Jing pointed out that, if asking students to think from the country’s perspective, the course will involve complex contents including national macro policies, and cultural differences, which should be considered with a dialectical view. In this way, the difficulty of the topic will increase sharply, too hard for students to learn and perceive, so it is suggested that the discussion at the national level shall be the final extension. In the meantime, Lin confirmed that the SSI-L project team of the school was constituted by backbone teachers with rich academic background, expecting each teacher to explore SSI-L using their own advantages and have communications, so as to gradually implement the content design of multi courses.

Peng Menghua also confirmed that this issue has full content and detailed activity design, and also believed that it is necessary to find out a controversial point for this issue. Peng offered several detailed controversial points, including “whether to lock down the city”, “isolation treatment or herd immunity”, and “whether to get the COVID-19 vaccine”, so as to inspire the further improvement of the topic. Moreover, Peng suggested integrating interdisciplinary idea in each class, instead of only involving the content of one single subject. Zhang Tao confirmed Peng’s suggestion, and took the example of making face masks, proposing that teachers of all subjects should work closely together throughout the team-teaching process to promote the teaching of interdisciplinary knowledge.

Kong Pengfei, from Shichang Campus of No. 1 Middle School of High-tech Zone, Weihai, Shandong, reported the project of “Whether Weihai Should Build a Tidal Power Plant”. First, Kong introduced the principle of tidal power generation, the geographical conditions of Weihai, and the construction foundation of Weihai tidal power station, proposing that this topic has certain historical background and high discussion value. Subsequently, Kong introduced the top-level design of this topic and the detailed class schedule. Constituted by five aspects including science, policy, safety, society, and economy, the star chart shows that this topic involves extensive content, with a strong social nature. The course of this topic is divided into eight classes, starting with the principles of tidal power generation and comparison between tidal energy and other forms of power generation; later, the students will learn about the safety of tidal power generation and its impact on society via various ways such as social research and data consulting; finally, students will analyze the advantages and disadvantages of tidal power generation and its cost and benefits, and display their thoughts in the final presentation. Additionally, Kong expressed that the course group still wants to further study the topic of “Whether It is Necessary for Xiaoshi Island to Reclaim Land” in the last semester, but currently they don’t have any clear idea and direction.

Peng Menghua believed that this topic has close relationship with students’ daily life environment, so it can show the city’s characteristic. The content design therein is under thorough consideration with moderate difficulty, and it also has relation with physics knowledge in middle school, which deserves affirmation. Peng suggested that the thinking range of this topic can be broader, for example, adding some contents including the impact of tidal energy on climate, and construction of tidal power generation facilities, so that students can think more comprehensively about the issue. Peng also pointed out that the key thinking point of this topic is whether Weihai has the right conditions to build tidal power stations, not whether Weihai needs electric power, so that the direction of thinking should be correctly understood.

Lin Jing pointed out that this topic is closely related to the core concept of energy that students need to learn, and enables students to conduct discuss focusing on the “Big Moves” about oceans, such as “Reclaim Land from the Sea” and “Tidal Power Generation”, which deserves affirmation. In the meantime, regarding the existing issues of the topic of land reclamation from the ocean by the school’s course group, Lin pointed out that, the further cultivation of this topic should return to the further consideration and re-positioning of the top-level design. Lin also stated that there will be relatively more difficulties in further cultivation, due to that the implementation of the earlier project has already been comprehensive. Lin suggested that the course group should first study the topic of tidal energy, and the topic of land reclamation from the ocean will be dealt with again after the backbone teachers have better understanding of the topic.

Zhang Tao pointed out that this topic is related with the ocean, just like the topic of land reclamation from the ocean in the last semester, which are consistent in content and knowledge, with regional characteristic and controversial point. Meanwhile, Zhang also proposed that the activity details of this topic should be further considered and polished, and the backbone teachers should conduct some investigation, design activities based on factual evidence, and further refine some of the details. At the same time, Zhang confirmed the school’s thought of fully tapping in one topic, and suggested that it could be studied further after the topic of tidal energy is completed.

Lin Jing, the project leader, summarized the meeting content tonight and put forward the prospect. First, at the current beginning stage, each school is still focusing on the exploration of the topic’s top-level design, with substantive progress and development. As can be seen from the second round of online seminar in this semester of middle school and primary school base schools, teachers from each school have been on the right track of SSI-L study. The determination of issues and the top-level design has primarily shown the value proposition of SSI-L to promote the development of students’ core literacy and moral education under the interdisciplinary integration background. Second, it is important for each school to control the general direction of education when designing and implementing topic learning. The education design should be pointing to improving of students’ literacy. It is necessary to avoid making the SSI course into the “lecturing class” of merely teaching students knowledge or the “research class” of leaving all tasks to students. Based on the above two points, schools can further explore the difficulties and challenges in detailed classroom teaching. Third, the backbone teachers should consider whether students are truly engaged in the topic learning. If students are still “led to learn” or “pushed to learn”, it is necessary to consider whether the details of course design should be adjusted. Lin Jing stated that it is believed that the project team’s knowledge and understanding of SSI-L will reach a higher level after experiencing the SSI-L design and implementation in this semester. We can focus on specific classroom practice to discuss and study the classroom organization strategy and teaching evaluation strategy of interdisciplinary integrated learning on complex and open topics.

This seminar conducted detailed and in-depth discussion on the further improvement and enhancement of the two partner school projects, and most of the suggestions on the schools’ issue design and implementation are of great significance. This seminar also confirmed the efforts paid and results obtained by the partner school teams, and looked forward to the development of future project teams, so as to provide support for the further successful development of the schools’ projects.