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(20240520~20240602)Weekly work report of the Xieying Program of SSI-L Project (20240520~20240602)





社会性科学议题学习项目“撷英计划”工作周报 <br>(20240520~20240602)Weekly work report of the Xieying Program of SSI-L Project (20240520~20240602)插图


From May 20 to June 2, 2024, the Beijing Normal University Socio-Scientific Issues-based Learning (SSI-L) Project office continued to carry out a series of teaching and research activities, such as collective lesson preparation, classroom observations, and after-class discussions, in two partner schools of the BNU Basic Education Development and Management Department’s Xieying Program — the Experimental High School Affiliated to Beijing Normal University, and the Asia-Pacific Experimental School of Beijing Normal University.

In the past two weeks, teachers from the Asia-Pacific Experimental School led students to organize a “tit-for-tat” debate competition with the driving question of “Should developing countries and developed countries bear the same responsibilities in response to global warming?” The Experimental High School launched a debate on “Choosing ICE vehicles VS new energy vehicles” with the scenario setting as “the governments encouraging the public to use new energy vehicles to mitigate global warming”.

Teachers from both schools organized role-play activities in class, with students from the pros and cons lining up separately and the judge organizing debaters to speak up in turns. Standing in the position of different representatives, debaters expressed their own opinions and reasons regarding aspects of the economy, environmental protection, technology, and morality. As students argued back and forth, the debate process continued to move forward with their language and thinking echoing each other and the focal point getting clear. Eventually, students realized that from the governmental and individual levels, they should choose different ways based on different situations, share responsibilities, and work together to address global warming.

These lively activities have effectively stimulated students’ thinking, including analyzing problems, screening information, forming evidence, logical reasoning, and conducting debates. They also trained students to make responsible decisions when faced with increasingly complex socioscientific problems in the future.