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[SSI Learning] “以社会性科学议题学习促中小学校立德树人”研讨会顺利召开







线下会议现场,郑永和院长代表AISL科学素养提升联盟为北京一零一中教育集团陆云泉校长颁发 AISL联盟校总校长聘书。郑永和院长为北京师范大学第二附属中学物理特级教师彭梦华颁发AISL学科指导专家组组长聘书。学科指导专家组成员共计20位,梁威、林静为线下参会的北京四中地理特级教师李京燕、人民教育出版社生物教研室主任谭永平等人颁发了AISL学科指导专家聘书。


1. 郑永和 “科学教育与公民科学素质建设的若干思考”




2. 刘嘉 “创新人才的核心素养”




3. 林静 “以社会性科学议题学习促中小学校立德树人”







1. 山东省威海市望海园中学王静校长分别从研究内容、实施组织、实施流程和预期愿景几个方面介绍了本校项目开展情况。在研究内容方面,分别从衣食住行等贴合学生日常生活的话题来选择议题,以此让学生学会选择正确的生活方式,落实学生发展核心素养。在实施组织方面,计划开展“四+四”升级研究模式,在第一年完成四个议题研究的基础上,第二年升级完善。而在具体实施过程中,将整合学校各类社团,架构团队成员和参与学生,合理规划时间,同时在教师层面和学生层面分别设置不同的激励方式,激发学生和教师的内驱力,促进项目平稳推进。王静校长还谈到,经过两周的准备阶段和两周的议题整体框架制定,预计第一个议题学习将进入八周的实施阶段。期望通过项目的实施,不仅促进学生辨证认识人与自然的关系,形成健康的生活方式,也期望学校能树立校本课程标杆,突出办学特色,促进教育科研。

2. 山西省尖草坪实验中学武永胜校长对学校项目筹备过程及拟定的三个案例进行简要介绍。在筹备过程中,通过网络资源、领航教师培训以及培训材料等对社会性科学议题进行广泛宣传;并分别在教师队伍和学生队伍中,筛选出学校的骨干教师团队和由30名学生组成的研究团队。为项目开展配备设备齐全的教室、专项经费以及时间安排。确定本学校实施的目标,即不仅要提高教师综合实践课程的教学水平,还要培养学生多角度看待社会性问题,提高学生的思辨论证等能力。武校长以“塑胶跑道的未来将走向何方?”“青少年饮食如何搭配更有益于健康成长”和“净水设备的优化”三个社会性科学议题为例,介绍了议题的选择背景、需要研讨的问题、实施计划和终极目标等内容,并表示项目的终极目标是要为社会、为国家培养德、智、体、美、劳全面发展,且有科学精神、有创新精神、可以承担社会责任、有担当的健康的青少年!

3. 浙江省杭州市三墩中学沙立国校长对学校的社会性科学议题学习项目进行阶段性汇报。沙立国校长首先介绍了学校的项目研发团队和实施团队,确保人员稳定,并表示将依托全体科学教师和科学课堂,以常规课堂、专设拓展课堂来实施项目。接着,沙校长展示了学校正在实施的《水体富营养化防控》方案,并表示议题的选择不仅要依据科学课程和学校已有基础,同时也要关注社会发展和学生的日常生活,并展示了学校无土栽培实验室,确保项目开展的场所。沙校长谈到,项目实施过程中学生和教师都非常投入,非常喜欢。最后,沙校长介绍了下阶段工作计划,将基于第一个议题设计和实施反思总结的基础上,进一步丰富议题,并拓展选修课的覆盖面;评选常规课实施的案例,进行完善和推广;在学生评价中增加项目元素。

4. 北京一零一中教育集团副校长程丽从项目背景、育人目标、骨干团队、实施规划四个方面介绍了学校的社会性科学议题学习项目规划。结合北京一零一中教育集团教师发展的文化基因、新时代教师的基本素质和关注学生的“生命、生活、生长”等学校的校园文化以及学校对课堂改革要求,程丽副校长首先介绍了学校已开展的人文实践课程与活动项目。接着,她介绍了学校确定的项目育人目标是学科知识构建、个体自主发展、创新能力培养和社会担当意识,并从领导团队、核心骨干、学科支撑和技术支撑四个方面介绍了骨干团队架构。最后,程丽副校长从项目立项、前期培训、团队组建、课程研发、课程实施、课程反思与改进和成果固化几个方面具体介绍了学校的实施计划,并从项目背景、星形图、育人目标、活动设计、学习评价等环节简要介绍了“水润一零一”SSI课程方案与社区垃圾分类治理方案,展现了学校在SSI学习研究方面的优质基础和发展潜力。





中国网: 全国37所中小学加入社会性科学议题学习联盟

北京日报: 专家建议:以社会性科学议题学习促中小学校立德树人

现代教育报:跨学科培养人才辟出新途径202010月第4557 第十三版 未来教育)


中国教育新闻网 探究大众关注科学问题 提升学生科学素养

搜狐网: 探究大众关注科学问题 提升学生科学素养(转载于中国教育新闻网)

腾讯网: 探究大众关注科学问题 提升学生科学素养(转载于中国教育新闻网)

网易新闻: 以社会性科学议题学习促中小学校立德树人研讨会顺利召开

In order to carry out the spirit of the National Education Conference and to implement the task of moral education in primary and secondary schools, a seminar on “Promoting Moral Education in Primary and Secondary Schools through Social-scientific Issues Learning” which was hosted by Beijing 101 Middle School, and sponsored by Alliance for Improving Scientific Literacy (AISL), Institute of Science Education of Beijing Normal University and China Collaborative Innovation Center of Assessment for Basic Education Quality of Beijing Normal University, was successfully held at the Yuanmingyuan Campus of Beijing 101 Middle School on October 16th, 2020.

Jointly initiated by the China Collaborative Innovation Center of Assessment for Basic Education of Beijing Normal University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, the research project of Socio-scientific Issues Learning is an effective way to enhance students’ innovation awareness and practical ability, to promote the development of students’ key competencies, and to cultivate quality citizens for our country.

I. Blended Sessions to Focus on Education Issues

Experts who attended the seminar included Prof. Lu Shanzhen, former President of Beijing Normal University and Chairman of AISL, Prof. Zheng Yonghe, Vice Chairman of AISL and Dean of the Institute of Science Education of Beijing Normal University, Prof. Liu Jia, Chief Scientist of “Cognitive Neural Basis of Artificial Intelligence” at Tsinghua University and Vice Chairman of AISL, Prof. Liang Wei from China Collaborative Innovation Center of Assessment for Basic Education of Beijing Normal University, Mr. Zhang Youwei, Director of Education Equipment Research and Development Center of Ministry of Education, and Mr. Wang Ruilin, Editor-in-Chief of Curriculum and Teaching of China Education Press Agency. Nearly 90 principals and backbone teachers of more than 30 partner schools from Beijing, Zhejiang, Shandong, Shanxi and other places have participated the seminar online. This online seminar was divided into several sessions, namely, opening address, issuing of appointment letters, expert lectures, project planning and free discussion, etc., which were respectively presided over by Dr. Lin Jing, the Project Leader and Dr. Lu Yunquan, President of Beijing 101 Middle School.

Professor Lu Shanzhen delivered a speech at the beginning of the conference. He pointed out that today’s society has gradually recognized the importance and urgency of cultivating innovative talents. By leading and helping partner school teachers to design and implement a series of SSI-based activities for young people, the research project of SSI learning, with primary and secondary partner schools as the main implementation body, aims to enhance students’ innovation awareness and practical ability, and improve the integration of students’ scientific literacy, and to promote the formation of demonstration schools and demonstration areas of moral education. Principle Lu believes that the partner school is the main approaches to implement SSI learning to promote students’ development, and the principal of each partner school should pay great attention to the construction of the implementation system and provide appropriate support and services to the participating teachers and students, so as to ensure the quality development of the project.

Professor Liang Wei made a speech on behalf of the management of China Collaborative Innovation Center of Assessment for Basic Education. In her speech, she said that SSI learning was a feasible path to promote schools’ morality education and develop students’ scientific literacy. She suggested that the project should focus on the following aspects, for example, the school-based curriculum should be embedded with local characteristics and characteristics of the times; focus on exploring the ways and strategies of nurturing students with interdisciplinary scientific practices; pay attention to promoting the overall development and evaluation of students, and eventually achieve the integration of teaching, learning and evaluating.

At the offline meeting, Prof. Zheng Yonghe, on behalf of AISL, issued the AISL Chief Principle Appointment Letter to Principal Lu Yunquan of Beijing 101 Middle School, and AISL Expert Team Leader Appointment Letter to Mr. Peng Menghua, a special-ranked physics teacher from the Second High School Attached To Beijing Normal University. The AISL expert team is comprised of 20 members. Profs Liang Wei and Lin Jing presented the AISL Expert Appointment Letter to two of them who have attended the meeting on site, namely, Ms. Li Jingyan, a special-ranked geography teacher of Beijing No.4 High School, and Mr. Tan Yongping, Director of the Biology Department of People’s Education Press.

II. High-end Experts to Lead and Chart the Direction of Research

1. Zheng Yonghe, “Some Thoughts on Science Education and Citizens’ Scientific Quality Construction”

Prof. Zheng Yonghe stated that the PISA2015 test showed that although Chinese youth had a good knowledge base, they were still lacking in correct scientific cognition concepts. It was also found in the 2018 China Compulsory Education Quality Monitoring Report that Chinese students’ scientific inquiry ability, scientific thinking and innovation ability were yet to be improved, and the progression and coherence of youth science education need to be further enhanced.

Based on the current situation, Prof. Zheng introduced the international “triple vision of scientific literacy” (focusing on science content, social issues of science and technology, and scientific participation), and emphasized the following points: the acquisition of scientific knowledge alone is not enough to meet the challenges of the future society; the acquisition of scientific knowledge does not necessarily bring about behavioral changes; the improvement of literacy should focus on new challenges brought by the development of information technology. He believes that science education is the most fundamental and important way to improve citizens’ scientific literacy, and it has a very important value to build citizens’ scientific literacy. At the same time, he stated that SSI learning can lead to a critical learning style. Introducing SSIs into the science classroom can enhance students’ scientific argumentation ability, develop students’ understanding of the nature of science, and bring about the real value of science education.

Prof. Zheng also proposed to improve the scientific argumentative ability and understanding of NOS in the whole population by practicing science education activities based on socially important scientific issues, extending the examination and assessment of scientific literacy from individuals to the community, and promoting scientific literacy in a targeted manner; to improve students’ scientific literacy by developing science education outside of school and integrating science education inside and outside of school; and to promote the overall improvement of young people’s scientific literacy and cultivate the reserve force of innovation talents in the new era by upgrading the framework of scientific literacy of the youth as the core, taking rational action as the starting point, and improving the system of science and technology education in collaboration with different learning areas. Prof. Zheng’s report further clarified the research value, objectives and directions for the principals and teachers of the partner schools of SSI LEARNING project.

2. Liu Jia, “The Key Competencies of Innovation Talents”

Prof. Liu Jia gave an expert presentation on “The Key Competencies of Innovation Talents”. Prof. Liu believes that against the historical background of the rapid development of human civilization, the focus of world development has been changing along with the changes in the revolutionary stage. At present, China needs to vigorously develop intelligent science and technology in order to enhance the comprehensive national strength and achieve long-term stable development. Therefore, the most important task is to cultivate innovation talents.

Prof. Liu elaborated on the definition of innovation talents in today’s society, pointing out that in the 21st century, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has a more diversified definition on talents, and emphasizing the need for talents to solve a full range of problems. Based on this definition, Prof. Liu integrated the characteristics of innovation talents into a three-ring structure: scientific and humanistic literacy, invention and creativity, and psychological quality. Today’s methods of identifying innovation talents include psychological assessment based on psychology and brain science, comprehensive description in the form of multi-modal big data, the use of artificial intelligence for empowerment education, and the use of the results of empowerment education to develop a personalized career plan for students.

In particular, Prof. Liu stressed that the development of innovation talents is a phased process: from 0 to 6 years old, the main purpose is to discover children’s talents; from 6 to 12 years old, students should develop their interests based on their talents; from 12 to 18 years old, students should learn about their future careers and university majors and be encouraged to plan their current studies according to their future development. Besides, Prof. Liu believes that it is important to conduct corresponding education assessments that focus on the development of non-intellectual factors other than academic education, and in such way students can become innovation talents with a variety of comprehensive qualities.

3. Lin Jing, “Promoting Moral Education in Primary and Secondary Schools through Social-scientific Issues Learning”

Prof. Lin Jing gave an expert presentation on how to implement the fundamental goal of establishing virtues and educating students through SSI learning. Prof. Lin explained the characteristics of SSIs, including being social, open, scientific and ethical, and pointed out that SSI learning allows students to care and think about the interaction of science and technology, ethics and morality, economy, policy and other aspects by linking with the complex real-life social situations. It is a good way for students to improve their judgement and decision-making, and promote the development of ethical and moral values as well as competencies, which will lay the foundation for their participation in society and quality citizenship.

Hence, schools should position the SSI learning as a way to break the current separation of knowledge, ability, and emotional cultivation, and to break education that has been criticized as a way to cultivate refined egoists, so that students can develop their scientific literacy while also forming a scientific and correct outlook on life and values to promote the all-round development of students’ morality, intelligence, physique, aesthetics and labor.

Prof. Lin further pointed out that the design and implementation of SSI learning should be integrated with the school’s philosophy in order to exert its unique educational value. The ultimate goal of implementing SSI learning is to achieve students’ development, and the focus of research should be on classroom teaching and teachers’ professionalism. The research should pay attention to the creation of learning contexts for interdisciplinary integration, the cultivation and evaluation of students’ higher-order thinking, the cultivation and evaluation of students’ ethics and moralities, the improvement and evaluation of teachers’ and students’ rule of law awareness, and the improvement and evaluation of teachers’ research skills. Through empirical research based on data such as assessment, observation and interviews, it is expected that each school can develop a set of curriculum resources, classroom teaching models and evaluation mechanisms that will serve as a basis for morality education.

In addition, schools should have system, teams and curriculum to promote school-based implementation of SSI learning. For example, there should be a set of evaluation and assessment mechanism, backbone teachers who have participated should be assigned with tasks and responsibilities, and the research should be carried out with the necessary special funding support. In terms of team, it is recommended that at least three outstanding teachers be stabilized as the core of the project, and there should be an interdisciplinary support team as well as the necessary external mentoring experts to support the research work of the core teachers. In terms of curriculum, it is recommended that the initial phase of the program should be designed as a small-scale elective course, with two hours of class time per week at least. At the same time, each school must mobilize teachers to learn to collaborate, and through collaborative innovation among school-based, regional, and national teams, we can effectively and efficiently promote students development through social-scientific issues learning, and improve schools’ morality education level.

III. Brainstorm to Share Exploration Experience

Dr. Lu Yunquan, Principal of Beijing 101 Middle School and Chief Principal of AISL partner schools, firstly explained to the participants the original intention of the establishment of Elite Academy of Beijing 101 Middle School and its fit to the alliance. He mentioned that Beijing 101 Middle School has implemented the national poverty alleviation spirit and carried out poverty alleviation construction by way of teacher training with schools in Daliang Mountain of Sichuan and Zhangjiakou of Hebei, highlighting the high standing of education management. Mr. Lu said that “The future classroom is a three-dimensional learning field that breaks through time and space, a field of using information technology to support education and teaching, and a highly interactive community of various learning elements. The future classroom is to realize the dialogue and interaction between disciplines, to shift the knowledge of different subjects from being split, closed, single towards integrated, open and diverse. ”

Afterwards, principals of the partner school introduced the project.

1. Wang Jing, Principal of Wanghai Park Middle School in Weihai, Shandong Province, introduced the development of the project in terms of research content, implementation organization, implementation process and expected vision. In terms of research content, the topics are selected as they are relevant to students’ daily lives, like clothing, food, housing and transportation, so that students can learn to choose the correct lifestyle and to develop their key competencies. In terms of implementation organization, it is planned to carry out “four + four” upgraded research mode, based on the completion of four topics in the first year and the upgradation of another four in the second year. In the process of implementation, the school will integrate various clubs, structure the team members and participating students, plan the time wisely, and set up different incentives at the teacher level and student level to stimulate the internal drive of students and teachers and promote the smooth progress of the project. Principal Wang also said that after two weeks of preparation and two weeks of developing the overall framework of the topic, the first topic study is expected to enter the eight-week implementation phase. It is expected that through the implementation of the project, the students will not only learn to understand the relationship between humans and nature, and form a healthy lifestyle, but also set a benchmark for the school-based curriculum, highlight the characteristics of the school, and promote educational research.

2. Wu Yongsheng, Principal of Jiancaoping Experimental Middle School in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province, gave a brief introduction to the preparatory process of the school project and the three case studies developed. During the preparatory process, extensive publicity of SSIs was carried out through network resources, leading teacher training program, and training materials, and a research team comprised of backbone teachers and 30 students has been established. The school has provided well-equipped classrooms, special funding, and a timeline for the project. To determine the implementation goal is not only to improve teachers’ teaching level of comprehensive practical courses, but also to cultivate students’ ability to look at social issues from multiple perspectives and to improve their critical thinking and argumentative skills. Principal Wu took the three SSIs of “where is the future of the plastic track?” “how to make adolescent diets more conducive to healthy growth” and “the optimization of water purification equipment” as examples to introduce the background for the selection of the topics, the issues to be discussed, the implementation plan and the ultimate goal of the project. The ultimate goal of the project is to cultivate healthy young people who have an all-round development of ethics, intellect, physique, aesthetics and labor for society and the country, and who have a scientific and innovative spirit, and are able to bear social responsibility and commitment.

3. Sha Liguo, Principal of Sandun Middle School in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, reported on the school’s SSI learning project. Principal Sha first introduced the school’s research and development team and implementation team to ensure the stability of the staff, and said that it would rely on all science teachers and science classrooms to implement the project with regular classrooms and dedicated extended classrooms. He then demonstrated an ongoing project, the “Eutrophication Prevention and Control” project, to the participants. He said that the topic should be chosen based not only on the science curriculum and the school’s existing foundation, but also on social development and students’ daily life. He also showed the school’s soilless culture laboratory as the site to implement the project. Principal Sha said that the students and teachers were highly involved in the project and enjoyed it very much during the implementation process. At last, Principal Sha introduced the work plan for the next stage, which will further enrich the topics and expand the coverage of elective courses based on the reflection of the design and implementation of the first topic, select cases of regular classes implementation for improvement and promotion, and add project elements in student evaluations.

4. Cheng Li, Vice Principal of Beijing 101 Middle School, introduced the planning of the school’s SSI learning project from four aspects: project background, education objectives, backbone team, and implementation planning. Starting from the cultural gene of teacher development in Beijing 101 Middle School, the basic quality of teachers in the new era, the school campus culture featuring “life, living, and growth”, as well as the school’s classroom reform requirements, Ms. Cheng introduced the school’s humanities practice courses and activity projects at the beginning. Then, she explained that the objectives of project education determined by the school are academic knowledge construction, individual self-development, innovation ability training and social responsibility consciousness, and introduced the backbone team structure from four aspects: leading teams, backbone teachers, discipline support and technical support. Last but not least, she elaborated on the school’s implementation plan in terms of project establishment, pre-training, team building, curriculum development, curriculum implementation, curriculum reflection and improvement, and achievement consolidation. Ms. Cheng also presented the SSI course plan of “Water Resources 101” and community waste classification and management program from the aspects of project background, star diagram, education goal, activity design, learning evaluation, etc., showing the high quality foundation and development potential of the school in SSI learning and research.