AISL科学素养提升联盟 AISL 科学素养提升联盟
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1. 面向21世纪儿童青少年科学素养的发展需求,探索基于评价、数据驱动的科学教育质量提升途径和策略。

2. 根据学生在各种评价中的表现来构建有效的课程和数字化资源,以支持科学教师来提升科学教育质量

3. 以现代技术助力于科学素养评价方式与内容的创新,从而以评价来促进中小学科学课堂教学的变革。

4. 搭建开放性资源平台,创建基于证据的模式与策略以推进科学教师专业发展。

5. 探索随着社会发展而不断演化的科学素养内涵,以有效发展和提升学生科学素养。



Purpose and Target

1. Explore assessment-based, or more generally, data-driven approaches and strategies for improving the quality of science education to meet the requirements of scientific literacy for all students in the 21st century.

2. Build up effective curricula, courses as well as digital resources to support science teachers in an effort to improve the quality of basic science education based on the student performance in national and international assessments.

3. Apply modern technologies to drive innovation in the methods and contents of scientific literacy assessments so as to promote instructional reforms in the science classroom.

4. Build up an open resource platform to establish evidence-based models and strategies for the professional development of science teachers.

5. Develop and promote all aspects of scientific literacy for students which evolve as societal and social need changes over time.

*A vision for improving scientific literacy for all
