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“道无形、驭有术” ——湖南省株洲市九方中学SSI-L项目外聘专家举办学术大讲坛活动


“道无形、驭有术” ——湖南省株洲市九方中学SSI-L项目外聘专家举办学术大讲坛活动<br>“The Way of Nature is invisible, but there’s a way to harness it” — The external experts academic lecture held by the SSI-L project of Jiufang Middle School, Zhuzhou City, Hunan Province插图


在高一学段第二轮SSI-L教学中,项目组师生选择的议题是《智轨与城市交通问题》。为突破议题教学中驱动性问题探究遇到的瓶颈,就职于中国中车轨道交通研究株洲所、主要负责智轨系统交通组织及策略研究与应用的外聘专家刘浏工程师以《智能轨道快运系统及其在株洲的应用》为题,从智轨快运系统研发背景、车身系统、走行系统、控制系统、网络系统、辅助系统、牵引系统、信号与通讯系统等方面,运用丰富、直观、精美的视频与图片,深入浅出地对智轨快运系统的核心技术的基本原理作了详细的介绍,使SSI-L项目组团队师生茅塞顿开,困扰已久的疑云豁然开朗。刘浏工程师还以智能轨道快运系统在株洲的应用,用详实的数据,展现了智轨的市场化历程,并对智轨未来在国际和国内城市化与都市圈的应用作出了前景展望。当刘工程师指出中国在西方欧美国家轨道交通技术垄断与打压的背景下,依靠中国中车几代科技工作者顽强拼搏精神,成长为世界上轨道交通最发达的国家,中车株洲所研发智轨列车是中国拥有自主知识产权的四列列车之一时,学子们民族自豪感和爱国情怀油然而生,会场爆发出热烈的掌声和欢呼声。“道无形、驭有术” ——湖南省株洲市九方中学SSI-L项目外聘专家举办学术大讲坛活动<br>“The Way of Nature is invisible, but there’s a way to harness it” — The external experts academic lecture held by the SSI-L project of Jiufang Middle School, Zhuzhou City, Hunan Province插图1


“道无形、驭有术” ——湖南省株洲市九方中学SSI-L项目外聘专家举办学术大讲坛活动<br>“The Way of Nature is invisible, but there’s a way to harness it” — The external experts academic lecture held by the SSI-L project of Jiufang Middle School, Zhuzhou City, Hunan Province插图2



(图文供稿:九方中学  李永平)

With snow melting and breeze from the south, spring is coming to the campus of Jiufang Middle School. On the evening of February 28, 2022, bursts of laughter came out of the academic lecture hall of Jiufang Middle School of Zhuzhou City. Teachers and students of the school’s SSI-L project team and some students of the 10th-grade Hongzhi class welcomed their long-awaited distinguished guest with the warmest applause, Liu Liu, an external expert of the school’s SSI-L project team and an engineer of China CRRC Railway Research Institute.

Under the Alliance of Improving Scientific Literacy (AISL), the SSI-L project is a science education cooperation project jointly initiated by the Collaborative Innovation Center of Assessment for Basic Education Quality at Beijing Normal University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Since 2020, Jiufang Middle School, as one of the first batch of SSI-L project base schools has been actively promoting SSI-L teaching practice and exploration based on its own situations and learning conditions. Teachers and students from the project team have completed several SSI issue selections and investigations, including “Why is the prevalence of lung cancer increasing year by year?” “Should high-speed rail stations be located in urban areas or suburbs?” “Intelligent railway and urban traffic issues”. They have successfully concluded the first round of SSI-L teaching based on the work plan, and achieved the initial goal of two-way education of core disciplinary literacy and the cultivation of scientific emotional attitudes and values.

In the second round of the 10th-grade SSI-L teaching, the SSI issue selected by the teachers and students of the project team is “Intelligent railway and urban traffic issues”. In order to break through the bottleneck problems the team has on the motivating questions during SSI-L teaching, Liu Liu, an external expert who works in the Zhuzhou Institute of CRRC Railway Research Institute and is responsible for research and application of intelligent railway system and transportation organization strategy, gave a lecture titled “Intelligent Rail Rapid Transit System and the Application in Zhuzhou”. The lecture covers the research and development background of the Intelligent Rail Rapid Transit System, its body system, running system, control system, network system, auxiliary system, traction system, signal and communication system, and others. He presented a large number of visually illustrative videos and pictures and gave a detailed introduction to the basic principles of the system’s core technology. The lecture made the teachers and students of the SSI-L project team feel enlightened with some of the long-standing doubts being clarified. Liu also took the application of this intelligent system in Zhuzhou as an example, and showed the marketization process with detailed data, and his vision for the future application of the intelligent railway in urbanization and metropolitan circles, both domestically and internationally. When Liu pointed out, against the backdrop of transportation technology monopoly and suppression of western powers, particularly the US and European countries, China has grown into the most developed country in railway transportation around the world by relying on the tenacious working spirit of science and technology personnel of CRRC for multiple generations, and the intelligent railway developed by CRRC Zhuzhou is one of the four trains with independent Chinese intellectual property rights, students’ national pride and patriotism was spontaneously aroused and the venue burst into warm applause and cheers.

After the speech, on behalf of all teachers of the project team, Dr. Li Yongping, leader of the teachers’ research and development team of the school’s SSI-L project, discussed with Liu about the relationship between smart railway layout planning and the scale of cities. Student groups also raised questions and interacted with the external expert. Liu answered their questions in detail one by one. When they learned that the young engineer Liu was a “student icon” graduated from a famous university, lots of “fan” students emerged at the venue, asking him to share his learning experience in high school. Quoted Tao Yuanming, a famous poet of the Jin Dynasty, “To study diligently is like growing seedlings in spring. We cannot see how much they grow but they are growing day by day. To drop out is like a sharpening stone. We cannot see how much it abrades but it’s damaged day by day”, Liu encouraged students to take small steps every day and make progress in the long run, and to harness their skills and serve the motherland in return. In response to some of the students’ enquiries, he also said after the lecture that he would advise students who are interested in working in the railway transportation industry in the future on which majors to choose for the college entrance examination application.

It has always been the school’s education philosophy to make every teacher and student well developed.

SSI-L teaching offers great opportunities and platforms to promote students’ in-depth learning, the development of students’ core literacy and teachers’ professional quality. The school has attached great importance to this academic lecture. Chen Handong, secretary of the school party committee, principal and head of the school’s SSI-L project, and some key teachers attended the meeting. Li Pingjun, vice principal of the school and project director, granted Liu Liu a five-year external expert certificate of the school’s SSI-L project.