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首都师范大学附属育新学校社会性科学议题学习项目合作研讨会顺利举行(2022-03-03)<br>The Successful Closure of the SSI-L Project Seminar at Yuxin School Affiliated to Capital Normal University (03/03/2023)插图


首都师范大学附属育新学校社会性科学议题学习项目合作研讨会顺利举行(2022-03-03)<br>The Successful Closure of the SSI-L Project Seminar at Yuxin School Affiliated to Capital Normal University (03/03/2023)插图1


首都师范大学附属育新学校社会性科学议题学习项目合作研讨会顺利举行(2022-03-03)<br>The Successful Closure of the SSI-L Project Seminar at Yuxin School Affiliated to Capital Normal University (03/03/2023)插图2




On the afternoon of March 3, 2023, the SSI-L Cooperation and Research Project Seminar at Yuxin School Affiliated to Capital Normal University was held in the library conference room of the Middle School Department. Lin Jing, head of the SSI-L Project Team and director of the Science Development Department of the Collaborative Innovation Center of Assessment for Basic Education Quality, Peng Menghua, head of the Disciplinary Guidance Expert Team of the SSI-L Project and a Special-Rank Teacher of the Physics Department of the Second Affiliated Middle School of Beijing Normal University, Zhu Yujun, the project disciplinary guidance expert, full-time deputy editor-in-chief and director of the editorial department of Chemistry Education of Beijing Normal University, attended the meeting. Dai Xiangyan, principal of Yuxin School Affiliated to Capital Normal University, director Tang Feng, director Cao Xuelong, team members of the first-year senior high school project and the first-year junior high school project, discussed the school’s curriculum design.

At first, Yu Beihong, from the first-year junior high school project team, introduced the proposed issue — “the Origin, Drinking and Regulation of Alcohol”. Lin Jing from Beijing Normal University offered guidance on the top-level design of the course. She gave specific suggestions on star map design for the research team to build a learning framework. She proposed that students should be the major agent in inquiry, and learning activities should be designed in accordance with students’ actual demand, to promote the development of students’ thinking and ability. Peng Menghua pointed out that the lead-in questions in issue design should be based on students’ interests, and that learning situation and national curriculum standards should be considered in course content and knowledge range. Zhu Yujun gave suggestions on further improving the project’s general motivating questions. He pointed out that the course content can start from three aspects — the origin, drinking, and regulation of alcohol, and then guide students to establish healthy life concepts and actively undertake social responsibility. In addition, the expert team gave more suggestions on how to set up the first class. It was pointed out that this project selected a novel issue. It is hoped the project team will continue to refine curriculum plan through practice, from the aspects of learning objectives, teacher-student activities, and evaluation indicators.

Afterwards, Li Ping, from the first-year senior high school project team, presented the modified plan for the issue — “how to dispose other waste”. Professor Lin Jing and her team affirmed the feasibility of her plan, answered the questions raised by the research group one by one. Lin further suggested that the project team develop students’ abilities of issue analysis and argumentation through claim making, finding evidence, explaining reasons, and other aspects. In practice, the project team can start from the situations of other waste disposal around schools and communities, and establish close connections between the project issue and students’ daily life, and then arouse students’ interest in inquiry.

This seminar has shown the way for the teaching practice of the first-year junior high school project team, and offered recommendations for improvement and the continued advancement of first-year senior high school project team. It is believed that under the guidance of all experts, the Yuxin SSI-L Project can be further carried out smoothly.