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[CREATE-PBL] 回放:第四届证据驱动的科学素养课堂教学改革研讨会——聚焦项目式学习培养学生科学素养


[CREATE-PBL] 回放:第四届证据驱动的科学素养课堂教学改革研讨会——聚焦项目式学习培养学生科学素养<br>Memo: The 4th Workshop on the Reform of Evidence-Driven Teaching and Learning- Focusing on Project-Based Learning to Cultivate Students’ Scientific Literacy插图



[CREATE-PBL] 回放:第四届证据驱动的科学素养课堂教学改革研讨会——聚焦项目式学习培养学生科学素养<br>Memo: The 4th Workshop on the Reform of Evidence-Driven Teaching and Learning- Focusing on Project-Based Learning to Cultivate Students’ Scientific Literacy插图1


Part 1:基地实践


[CREATE-PBL] 回放:第四届证据驱动的科学素养课堂教学改革研讨会——聚焦项目式学习培养学生科学素养<br>Memo: The 4th Workshop on the Reform of Evidence-Driven Teaching and Learning- Focusing on Project-Based Learning to Cultivate Students’ Scientific Literacy插图2


Part 2:专家讲座


[CREATE-PBL] 回放:第四届证据驱动的科学素养课堂教学改革研讨会——聚焦项目式学习培养学生科学素养<br>Memo: The 4th Workshop on the Reform of Evidence-Driven Teaching and Learning- Focusing on Project-Based Learning to Cultivate Students’ Scientific Literacy插图3


Part 3:教学展示


[CREATE-PBL] 回放:第四届证据驱动的科学素养课堂教学改革研讨会——聚焦项目式学习培养学生科学素养<br>Memo: The 4th Workshop on the Reform of Evidence-Driven Teaching and Learning- Focusing on Project-Based Learning to Cultivate Students’ Scientific Literacy插图4


Part 4:教师研讨


[CREATE-PBL] 回放:第四届证据驱动的科学素养课堂教学改革研讨会——聚焦项目式学习培养学生科学素养<br>Memo: The 4th Workshop on the Reform of Evidence-Driven Teaching and Learning- Focusing on Project-Based Learning to Cultivate Students’ Scientific Literacy插图5


Part 5:区域交流


[CREATE-PBL] 回放:第四届证据驱动的科学素养课堂教学改革研讨会——聚焦项目式学习培养学生科学素养<br>Memo: The 4th Workshop on the Reform of Evidence-Driven Teaching and Learning- Focusing on Project-Based Learning to Cultivate Students’ Scientific Literacy插图6


Part 6:专家点评


[CREATE-PBL] 回放:第四届证据驱动的科学素养课堂教学改革研讨会——聚焦项目式学习培养学生科学素养<br>Memo: The 4th Workshop on the Reform of Evidence-Driven Teaching and Learning- Focusing on Project-Based Learning to Cultivate Students’ Scientific Literacy插图7



[CREATE-PBL] 回放:第四届证据驱动的科学素养课堂教学改革研讨会——聚焦项目式学习培养学生科学素养<br>Memo: The 4th Workshop on the Reform of Evidence-Driven Teaching and Learning- Focusing on Project-Based Learning to Cultivate Students’ Scientific Literacy插图8



In order to further implement the Opinions of the General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council on Further Reducing the Burden of Homework and Off-Campus Training for Students in Compulsory Education, and to implement the fundamental task of establishing morality and ethics education, and to improve the quality and efficiency of the comprehensive development education, develop students’ scientific literacy and effectively improve the education quality among schools, the 4th Evidence-Driven Teaching and Learning Workshop “Focusing on Project-Based Learning to Cultivate Students’ Scientific Literacy” was held on November 10, 2021. It was organized by China Collaborative Innovation Center of Assessment for Basic Education of Beijing Normal University, and hosted by Beijing Dongcheng Academy of Educational Sciences in collaboration with Beijing Dongcheng Fuxue Hutong Primary School and Beijing Dongcheng Hepingli No. 4 Primary School. Professors Wang Lei and Sang Guohua from Beijing Normal University, and Ms. Fan Ying, a special-ranked teacher from Beijing Academy of Basic Educational Sciences, were invited to present and give instructions. Held both online and offline, the workshop was attended by Dr. Lin Jing, the Project Leader and the Director of the Science Improvement Department of China Collaborative Innovation Center of Assessment for Basic Education of Beijing Normal University, together with the four partner regional leaders, namely, Lu Hongjian from Beijing Dongcheng Teacher Training Center, Li Weichen and Wang Fuyu from Miyun Teacher Training Institute, Cao Chunhao from Tongzhou Teacher Training Center, and Gao Xiaoying from Shunyi Teacher Training Center, as well as teachers from the partner schools of the SKC-CAT and SSI-L project. Teachers from PBL partner schools attended the workshop at Minglun Hall of Fuxue Hutong Primary School, meeting with the experts and other attendants online, to discuss the matters related.

At the beginning of the workshop, special-ranked teacher Fan Ying from Beijing Academy of Basic Educational Sciences, special-ranked teacher Fan Xuejun from Beijing Dongcheng Fuxue Hutong Primary School, and Vice Principal Zhao Ruixia from Beijing Dongcheng Hepingli No.4 Primary School delivered speeches on behalf of Beijing-level and two partner schools respectively. Fan Ying first congratulated the workshop, affirmed the “first”, “true”, and “real” characteristics of previous workshops, and hoped there would be more “in-depth, enlightening, directed and motivated” research to be carried out in the future. Fan Xuejun and Zhao Ruixia then expressed their warm welcome to the experts, leaders and teachers attending the workshop, and their sincere gratitude to Dr. Lin Jing and Mr. Lu Hongjian for the platform they had built. Fan Xuejun said that at their campus with antique beauty, teachers adopted an open project-based learning approach, which not only improved themselves, but also helped to develop students, allowing everyone to grow together and share science education in the new era between tradition and modernity, inheritance, and innovation. Zhao Ruixia emphasized the need for in-depth research on project-based learning and encouraged teachers to update their teaching concepts and overcome difficulties in the process of conducting research, while also hoping for more guidance from experts.

Part 1: Partner School Practice

Lu Hongjian from Beijing Dongcheng Academy of Educational Sciences gave a speech on the topic of “Exploring Classroom Teaching for Developing Students’ Core Competencies – A Practical Study of PBL”. Based on the teaching practice of teachers in Dongcheng District, Mr. Lu elaborated on the PBL for developing students’ core competencies from three perspectives: exploring classroom strategies, practicing classroom teaching, and learning from teaching experience. He also shared his feelings and insights with the teachers, while suggesting that good ideas and practices in PBL should be transferred and integrated into science teaching.

Part 2: Expert Lecture

The Project Leader, Dr. Lin Jing, then gave a detailed explanation on the connotation and strategies of PBL. Dr. Lin first defined the concept of PBL from three aspects: the inquiry network, the key points, and the learning outcomes. She then proposed key strategies for implementing PBL teaching, including the design and application of driving questions, the strategy of 3D integrated learning and enhancement, and the organization and deepening strategy of the group learning.

Part 3: Teaching demonstration

PBL has been explored and implemented in teaching. Liu Yang from Beijing Dongcheng Fuxue Hutong Primary School made a video presentation with a lesson titled “Little Rocket Moves”. The driving question was “How does a toy move and what questions can you ask about it?” This lesson used a small rocket as the carrier, and students were interested in the project and developed the ability to ask questions by studying the movement of the small rocket. It presented an active and open learning classroom. After the lesson, Liu Yang talked about his thoughts and confusion about the implementation of PBL.

Part 4: Teacher Discussion

Afterwards, three teachers, Liu Jing, Li Yi and Liu Chunyan, as representatives of the partner schools, shared their experiences with the topics of “Classroom Organization Strategies Based on PBL”, “The Design and Thinking of Driving Questions in PBL” and “Social-Emotional Learning in PBL”. By studying the theories and research results related to PBL and combining their own practices, the teachers shared their experiences in three aspects: how to design projects, how to trigger students’ active learning and how to develop students’ social-emotional skills in the process of PBL. Through PBL, the teachers focused on the formation of students’ lifelong learning ability and scientific literacy to promote students’ health and happiness.

Part 5: Regional Exchange

Then, Wang Fuyu from Beijing Miyun Teacher Training Institute, Gao Xiaoying from Beijing Shunyi Educational Research and Teacher Training Center, and Cao Chunhao from Beijing Tongzhou Teacher Training Center gave presentations respectively. All three teachers affirmed this research and said they had a new understanding of PBL. At the same time, it also triggered a lot of thinking among teachers, such as how PBL should be developed locally, how to better connect with learning in the face of the long learning cycle, and how to conduct effective evaluation, etc.

Part 6: Expert Comment

Finally, Professors Wang Lei and Sang Guoyuan from Beijing Normal University made comments on the teachers’ practices, highly affirming the high quality and cohesiveness of the PBL research team in Dongcheng District, praising the teachers for the milestones they had achieved, which had led to real practice, real research, and real sharing, and updated the teachers’ inherent understanding of PBL teaching. The wonderful presentations, pragmatic research and truth-seeking attitude aroused the spark of teachers’ thinking and pushed the atmosphere to the climax.

Time passed by. The whole workshop lasted for more than five hours, while the discussions did not stop for a single minute. The teachers said they couldn’t wait for the next wonderful bloom of PBL project.