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[SSI Learning] 全国小学学段研讨纪要(2021-09-22)









On September 22, 2021, from 19:00 to 20:30, the primary school group of the SSI-L project held an online meeting via the Tencent conference room to analyze the topic of “Black Gold” at Yuhe Primary School in Datong, Shanxi Province.

Xie Kaixuan from Yuhe Primary School in Datong, Shanxi Province introduced their topic “Black Gold”. Based on the feedback of the last meeting, this topic was greatly modified. In the section of “What Coal Mining Has Brought Us”, the investigation task about the impact of coal mining and the activity of watching the “10,000 pits” were added. In the section of “Should Coal Continue to be Mined”, students were asked to summarize the information and then debate on the topic, “The Future of Coal”, where several directions were given to the teacher for guidance; after the debate, a session was added to summarize and consider “What Measures Should be Taken to Protect Coal Resources”. Students were limited in developing new knowledge on their own, and teachers needed to guide them more in this area. In the coming period, the project team will revise the design of the activity based on the results of the student survey, provide more guidance for students to work in teams, and increase the class hours to ensure sufficient time to complete the new content.

He Yinghong from Heilongjiang Jihong Primary School suggested splitting each dimension of the five-star chart into five activities, and then integrating them; for example, the first activity, “Understand the Formation of Coal,” could be combined with the “Resources” dimension; the second activity “Coal Mining” could be integrated with the “Policy” dimension; the third activity “What Coal Mining Has Brought Us” can be integrated with the “Economy, Environment or Humanity” dimension. The first three activities laid a foundation for the integration of all dimensions in the fourth debate competition.

Cai Xuejiao from Wenhui Primary School in Pingcheng District, Datong City, Shanxi Province, suggested that the previous version of the program had the content of “clean energy”, and it would be a pity if it was deleted. Instead, as this content was closely related to the fourth part, it should be retained. The fourth activity involved a lot of information, such as economic benefits, jobs and employment, history of coal price, relocation of shantytowns, old mines and environmental protection, as well as related policies. Whether sufficient information had been provided should be considered. If this information was to be fully grasped, it might be necessary to extend the fourth activity a little longer. At the end of the project, a session on “making suggestions to the relevant authorities” should be added to achieve the project’s emotional and attitudinal goals such as “loving hometown”.

Gao Rui from Jiancaodi Science and Technology Experimental Primary School in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province, suggested that the introduction of new energy sources should be placed in the first session “The Formation of Coal”, which could be further expanded and explored. The second session was about environmental pollution and protection, which should be explored as a priority.

Cao Chunhao: Does the student hold evidence that argues for the conclusion? Should logical thinking in reasoned argumentation be a key focus? How can the five-star chart be focused and relevant given the wide range of content covered in it? What learning content is most helpful in addressing controversial issues? How can a controversial issue be set up to sublimate the insinuation effect of the topic?

Lin Jing: the non-renewability of coal resources and the pollution problems brought by coal mining and burning should be highlighted. These problems appeared in the West before, and how did they solve them? Some introduction could be made in the topic. The issue of clean energy involves not only science and technology but also economy, and students can be given some information to weigh the pros and cons. In terms of ethics, we can present the bad events related to coal, not avoiding the “bad” side, and guide students to face and solve the problems objectively and scientifically. The design of the activity needs to be more detailed, to make the abstract issues concrete, and to set up more scaffolding in the activity to ensure that students are engaged in learning.

Peng Menghua: In the past, coal was very close to life, but with the development of the times, it is getting more and more distant from children. Attention needs to be given to the problem of ice breaking so that students can experience and feel emotionally involved in learning deeply. The way of using coal has also evolved. Simple coal blocks do not burn easily and are made into honeycomb coal for ease of use, which children are likely to be unaware of and need to be explained to in the course. In recent years, the technology of using coal to make other types of industrial materials has developed, and new ways of using coal can be also introduced in the course. The history of coal can be interspersed with the topics, such as the plundering of coal resources by Japan during its invasion to China and the story of the coal bosses in Shanxi after the reform and opening up.