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2022年AERA年会于北京时间4月21日至26日以线上线下混合的形式举行,线下会场位于美国圣地亚哥。北京师范大学中国基础教育质量监测协同创新中心林静课题组成员线上参加此次年会并进行了学术报告与交流。AERA(American Educational Research Association)成立于1916年,由来自96个国家的两万余名成员组成,致力于促进教育研究并借研究改善教育,其年会是全球规模最大的教育盛会。今年,AERA年会主题为“为21世纪铸就公平的教育体系(Cultivating Equitable Education Systems for the 21st Century)”,呼吁教育研究者面对新冠、经济危机、气候危机等挑战,与教师、学生、教育决策者、公众等相关群体合作,以多学科、跨学科和边缘学科等新方式进行思考和研究,挖掘有益于教育公平的各种文化、政治、经济因素,改进教育内容、教学和学习过程,进一步建构有弹性、可持续的教育系统。

林静课题组在2022年AERA学术年会上进行学术报告与交流<br>Lin Jing’s Research Team Made Academic Presentations and Exchanges at the 2022 AERA Annual Meeting插图

林静课题组在本次年会中分享了两项研究报告。一项研究与美国北卡罗来纳州大学教堂山分校(University Of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)Troy D. Sadler教授团队、德国莱布尼茨科学与数学教育研究所(Leibniz Institute for Science and Mathematics Education)Knut Neumann教授合作,测评与分析高中学生系统思维以及相关因素。另一项研究与台湾师范大学张俊彦教授团队合作,设计促进人机交互的运用模式并通过实证检验了其有效性。

AERA主席Na’ilah Suad Nasir、荣誉主席Edmund W. Gordon等作系列讲座,对以公平为中心的教学评价和政策等进行展望。美国教育科学研究所(IES)、美国国家科学工程和医学院(NASEM)、美国国家科学基金会(NSF)等也有系列专题学术报告与研讨。缤彩纷呈的学术研讨与交流,从不同角度审视与探讨了推进教育公平、提升教育质量的举措与理性思考,共筑优质、全纳、系统的教育体系。

The 2022 AERA Annual Meeting was held in a hybrid online and offline format from April 21 to 26 (Beijing time), with its offline venue located in San Diego, USA. Members of Lin Jing’s research team, from the Collaborative Innovation Center of Assessment for Basic Education Quality at Beijing Normal University, attended the annual meeting online and made academic presentations and exchanges. AERA (American Educational Research Association) was established in 1916 and consists of more than 20,000 members from 96 countries. It is committed to encouraging scholarly inquiry related to education and promoting the use of research to improve education. Its annual meeting is the largest educational event across the world. This year, the AERA Annual Meeting is themed “Cultivating Equitable Education Systems for the 21st Century”. It calls on education researchers to confront with challenges such as the COVID-19 pandemic, economic crisis, climate crisis, and others, collaborate with educators, students, education policymakers, the public, and other relevant communities, think and research in new approaches such as multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary and marginalized disciplines methods, explore various cultural, political and economic forces that contribute to equitable education, improve educational content, teaching and learning processes, and further create resilient and sustainable education systems.

Lin Jing’s research team shared two reports at this annual meeting. One study collaborates with Professor Troy D. Sadler’s team at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Knut Neumann at the Leibniz Institute for Science and Mathematics Education in Germany. It evaluates and analyzes high school students’ systematic thinking and the relevant factors. The other works together with Professor Chang Chun-Yen’s team at National Taiwan Normal University. It designs an application model to facilitate human-computer interaction and empirically tests its effectiveness.

AERA President Na’ilah Suad Nasir, Honorary President Edmund W. Gordon and others gave series lectures, looking into the equity-centered teaching evaluations and policies. The Institute of Educational Sciences (IES), the National Academy of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine (NASEM), and the National Science Foundation (NSF) also presented a series of special academic reports and seminars. These diverse discussions and exchanges reviewed and interrogated measures and rational thinking to promote education equity and education quality from different perspectives, creating a high-quality, inclusive and comprehensive education system in joint efforts.