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[SKC-CAT Model] 第三届证据驱动的科学素养课堂教学研讨会 ——小学科学基于SKC-CAT模型的研究



[SKC-CAT Model] 第三届证据驱动的科学素养课堂教学研讨会 ——小学科学基于SKC-CAT模型的研究<br>[SKC-CAT Model] The 3rd Evidence-Driven Scientific Literacy Teaching Symposium — the SKC-CAT Model-based studies of primary school science teaching插图

图1 与会的四个区域课题负责人



[SKC-CAT Model] 第三届证据驱动的科学素养课堂教学研讨会 ——小学科学基于SKC-CAT模型的研究<br>[SKC-CAT Model] The 3rd Evidence-Driven Scientific Literacy Teaching Symposium — the SKC-CAT Model-based studies of primary school science teaching插图1

图2 通州区张家湾镇中心小学校长许德胜欢迎与会者





[SKC-CAT Model] 第三届证据驱动的科学素养课堂教学研讨会 ——小学科学基于SKC-CAT模型的研究<br>[SKC-CAT Model] The 3rd Evidence-Driven Scientific Literacy Teaching Symposium — the SKC-CAT Model-based studies of primary school science teaching插图2

图3 于静全老师现场展示课例


[SKC-CAT Model] 第三届证据驱动的科学素养课堂教学研讨会 ——小学科学基于SKC-CAT模型的研究<br>[SKC-CAT Model] The 3rd Evidence-Driven Scientific Literacy Teaching Symposium — the SKC-CAT Model-based studies of primary school science teaching插图3

图4 区域教师代表围绕《水的净化》进行同课异构



[SKC-CAT Model] 第三届证据驱动的科学素养课堂教学研讨会 ——小学科学基于SKC-CAT模型的研究<br>[SKC-CAT Model] The 3rd Evidence-Driven Scientific Literacy Teaching Symposium — the SKC-CAT Model-based studies of primary school science teaching插图4

图5 特邀专家进行点评


[SKC-CAT Model] 第三届证据驱动的科学素养课堂教学研讨会 ——小学科学基于SKC-CAT模型的研究<br>[SKC-CAT Model] The 3rd Evidence-Driven Scientific Literacy Teaching Symposium — the SKC-CAT Model-based studies of primary school science teaching插图5

图6 为上课与说课教师颁发证书


(通讯员  陈芸  沈文炎)

The SKC-CAT model looks at the design and implementation of literacy-oriented education, and supports teachers with a three-stage, nine-step process to arrange their classrooms by following students’ cognitive patterns (Students), focusing on key concepts (Knowledge), and aiming at students’ competencies development (Competencies).

On May 20, 2021, the 3rd Evidence-Driven Scientific Literacy Teaching Symposium Based on the SKC-CAT Model was held at the Zhangjiawan Central Primary School, Tongzhou District, Beijing. This symposium was sponsored by the Collaborative Innovation Center of Assessment for Basic Education Quality at Beijing Normal University, co-organized by the Primary School Science Teaching Research Institute of Beijing Education Society, and the Beijing Tongzhou District Teachers Training Center, and hosted by the Zhangjiawan Central Primary School in Tongzhou District. Those who attended the symposium include Lin Jing, the SKC-CAT project leader and director of the Science Education Development Department of the Collaborative Innovation Center of Assessment for Basic Education Quality at Beijing Normal University, and four regional project leaders — Cao Chunhao of Tongzhou District Teachers Training Center, Li Weichen of Miyun District Teachers Training College, Lu Hongjian of Dongcheng District Teachers Training Center, and Gao Xiaoying of Shunyi District Education Research and Teachers Training Center. Also present were Xu Desheng, principal of Zhangjiawan Central Primary School, and over 100 backbone teachers from various regional base schools. Some experts were specially invited to join the conference and offer comments, including Feng Hua from the Beijing Institute of Education, Jia Xin and Fan Ying from the Beijing Basic Education Research Center, and Han Lixin from the Chaoyang School of the High School Affiliated to Renmin University of China.

Cao Chunhao, secretary-general of the Tongzhou District Primary School Science Teaching Research Association, a science researcher and special-rank teacher, presided over the meeting. Xu Desheng, principal of Zhangjiawan Central Primary School, at first expressed his warm welcome and support for this symposium. He then introduced the characteristics of the school’s science disciplines. In the end Principal Xu wished this event a complete success.

Next, the project leader Lin Jing gave a detailed explanation of the teaching implementation strategy of SKC-CAT model to the participants. She pointed out that at the current stage, the core of model implementation is to develop students’ scientific thinking and practical competencies based on their cognition and abilities. Lin first briefly reviewed concepts and structure of the SKC-CAT model. She then elaborated the SKC-CAT teaching strategy in combination with existing research in cognitive and brain science. The strategy includes: 1) how to create contexts based on learning situations and stimulate students’ cognitive conflicts; 2) how to promote students’ learning by using process evaluation; 3) how to carry out teaching in association with interdisciplinary content, scientific practice, scientific emotions, attitudes and values. Finally, Lin Jing suggested the SKC-CAT research focus of the next phase for the project team.

How should the SKC-CAT teaching model be implemented? Taken the course on “Water Purification” as topic, the four regional base schools in Tongzhou District, Miyun District, Dongcheng District and Shunyi District had a discussion on teaching the same issue with heterogeneous forms. Yu Jingquan of Zhangjiawan Central Primary School delivered a class presentation on “Water Purification” to the participants. Four teacher representatives from the regional base schools, Yang Yang, Zhao Qian, Wang Jinlong and Tian Changliang, presented their teaching plans on the same issue respectively. All speakers analyzed teaching goals from perspectives of primary school science curriculum standards and textbook readings. They created learning contexts that are close to students’ life in accordance with the characteristics of their specific surrounding environment. They also examined students’ previous knowledge of water filtering and purification. On such basis, they kept triggering students’ cognitive conflicts, encouraged their active inquiry, and built new knowledge through continuous abstraction and generalization process. In so doing, it thereby improved students’ problem-solving abilities, allowed them to learn science, do science, and use science, and promoted the development of students’ literacy.

Experts present at the meeting expressed their affirmation that teachers were able to delve deeply into the teaching strategies based on the SKC-CAT model research. At the same time, they expressed their opinions and pertinent suggestions on teaching the same issue with heterogeneous forms, the live class presentation, as well as the implementation of the SKC-CAT model. They also suggested that the SKC-CAT model should be popularized by more teachers for applications in teaching, and teaching should be carried out in accordance with students’ cognitive patterns to improve their literacy.

(Correspondents Chen Yun and Shen Wenyan)