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1月6日,“社会性科学议题学习”(Socioscientific Issues-based Learning, SSI-L)2023年学术年会在北京师范大学京师学堂召开。本次学术年会由北京师范大学中国基础教育质量监测协同创新中心主办,北京师范大学地表过程与资源生态国家重点实验室、北京师范大学教育基金会、北京师范大学科学教育研究院协办,《教育家》杂志社特别支持,聚焦中国式现代化进程中的科学教育育人方式与课堂模式改革,创设展示、交流和研讨的平台,围绕气候变化、全球变暖等重大议题,共同探讨以SSI-L做科学教育加法、助力我国科教兴国的理论意义建构与实践策略完善。


如何提升学生科学素养,使其能够参与和应对未来的挑战?|“社会性科学议题学习”2023年学术年会在京召开<br>How to improve students’ scientific literacy so that they can engage with and respond to future challenges? The 2023 Academic Annual Conference on Socioscientific Issues-based Learning was held in Beijing插图


如何提升学生科学素养,使其能够参与和应对未来的挑战?|“社会性科学议题学习”2023年学术年会在京召开<br>How to improve students’ scientific literacy so that they can engage with and respond to future challenges? The 2023 Academic Annual Conference on Socioscientific Issues-based Learning was held in Beijing插图1



如何提升学生科学素养,使其能够参与和应对未来的挑战?|“社会性科学议题学习”2023年学术年会在京召开<br>How to improve students’ scientific literacy so that they can engage with and respond to future challenges? The 2023 Academic Annual Conference on Socioscientific Issues-based Learning was held in Beijing插图2



如何提升学生科学素养,使其能够参与和应对未来的挑战?|“社会性科学议题学习”2023年学术年会在京召开<br>How to improve students’ scientific literacy so that they can engage with and respond to future challenges? The 2023 Academic Annual Conference on Socioscientific Issues-based Learning was held in Beijing插图3



如何提升学生科学素养,使其能够参与和应对未来的挑战?|“社会性科学议题学习”2023年学术年会在京召开<br>How to improve students’ scientific literacy so that they can engage with and respond to future challenges? The 2023 Academic Annual Conference on Socioscientific Issues-based Learning was held in Beijing插图4



如何提升学生科学素养,使其能够参与和应对未来的挑战?|“社会性科学议题学习”2023年学术年会在京召开<br>How to improve students’ scientific literacy so that they can engage with and respond to future challenges? The 2023 Academic Annual Conference on Socioscientific Issues-based Learning was held in Beijing插图5



如何提升学生科学素养,使其能够参与和应对未来的挑战?|“社会性科学议题学习”2023年学术年会在京召开<br>How to improve students’ scientific literacy so that they can engage with and respond to future challenges? The 2023 Academic Annual Conference on Socioscientific Issues-based Learning was held in Beijing插图6



如何提升学生科学素养,使其能够参与和应对未来的挑战?|“社会性科学议题学习”2023年学术年会在京召开<br>How to improve students’ scientific literacy so that they can engage with and respond to future challenges? The 2023 Academic Annual Conference on Socioscientific Issues-based Learning was held in Beijing插图7


人民教育出版社副总编辑谭永平主持“应对全球变暖的科学教育变革”的大会报告。报告中,北京师范大学地表过程与资源生态国家重点实验室主任效存德以《全球变暖为什么让全世界紧张?》为主题,阐明人类活动是当今气候变化的主要驱动力。他指出,全球进入沸腾时代,极端天气事件频发是既成事实,气候变化造成的影响广泛而普遍,且多是负面。然而,气候恢复是人类社会的一场系统性变革 ,限制全球变暖,所有部门都需要深度减排,明晰气候恢复路径,兼顾排放公平。

如何提升学生科学素养,使其能够参与和应对未来的挑战?|“社会性科学议题学习”2023年学术年会在京召开<br>How to improve students’ scientific literacy so that they can engage with and respond to future challenges? The 2023 Academic Annual Conference on Socioscientific Issues-based Learning was held in Beijing插图8


如何提升学生科学素养,使其能够参与和应对未来的挑战?|“社会性科学议题学习”2023年学术年会在京召开<br>How to improve students’ scientific literacy so that they can engage with and respond to future challenges? The 2023 Academic Annual Conference on Socioscientific Issues-based Learning was held in Beijing插图9


美国北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校教授Troy Sadler以《以社会性科学议题开展科学教育》为主题,分享了他与团队的实践经验与项目实施路径,明晰了知识激增时代,如何更好地开展SSI-L实践,以及如何帮助学习者思考科学、知识与社会之间复杂的相互作用。他强调,不是所有科学学习内容都要涉及社会性科学议题,但是所有学生都需要有开展社会性科学议题学习的机会来提升作为公民的科学素养。


如何提升学生科学素养,使其能够参与和应对未来的挑战?|“社会性科学议题学习”2023年学术年会在京召开<br>How to improve students’ scientific literacy so that they can engage with and respond to future challenges? The 2023 Academic Annual Conference on Socioscientific Issues-based Learning was held in Beijing插图10


6日下午,英国伦敦大学教育学院教授Michael J.Reiss、澳大利亚西澳大学教育学院教授Vaille Dawson、南朝鲜梨花女子大学科学教育系教授Hyunju Lee围绕应对全球变暖的科学教育变革进行了主题报告,举例剖析了当下人类面临的重大社会性科学议题,为一线教师开展SSI-L项目提供了实践案例,让学生受益于更多开放的学习方式,在议题学习中提升社会责任感和问题解决能力。北京四中原地理教研组长、北京市地理特级教师李京燕主持该环节。

在“SSI-L与高阶思维发展”的报告过程中,福建师范大学生命科学学院教师陈烟兰介绍了测评社会性科学推理能力的理论结构、测评工具,为科学教育评价提供了方向和路径。美国加州大学伯克利分校博士后Allison E.Bradford关注到ChatGPT的出现引发的教育思考,阐释了机器学习在促进学生研究复杂议题过程中的作用。来自美国北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校的博士生Eric Kirk和Rebecca Lesnefsky分别展示了SSI-L的系统建模过程与要点,以及综合多学科视角、卷入个人立场与价值取向的学生论证过程。北京市海淀区教师进修学校教育集团生物特级教师周有祥主持该环节。



如何提升学生科学素养,使其能够参与和应对未来的挑战?|“社会性科学议题学习”2023年学术年会在京召开<br>How to improve students’ scientific literacy so that they can engage with and respond to future challenges? The 2023 Academic Annual Conference on Socioscientific Issues-based Learning was held in Beijing插图11



7日下午,来自澳门培正中学的教师与北京师范大学附属实验中学、第二附属中学、亚太实验学校以及首都师范大学附属育新学校的 SSI-L 项目合作教师团队代表围绕“基于议题的教与学”进行了交流分享,提供了可持续发展教育与SSI-L项目开展的校本路径,建议将“学生如何学、教师如何教”这一命题贯穿教学全过程。比如,教师焦健健以“聚餐时要不要饮酒”为问题驱动,引导学生针对“中学生该怎么对待酒与饮酒行为”等内容进行讨论和探究。北京师范大学教育学部教授康永久在点评时指出了如何理性看待科学本质以及科学与社会关系的重要性,并围绕处理社会性科学议题指出需要处理好“八组关系”,以引发大家思考。


来源 | 本文系光明社教育家公号原创
作者 | 王雪 石依诺
统筹 | 周彩丽

Reprinted from the official WeChat account of the Educator of Guangming Press available at: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/RAn0YnYdwWwknKfIAk5KTQ

On January 6, the 2023 Academic Annual Conference on Socioscientific Issues-based Learning was held at the Capital Academy of Beijing Normal University. The conference was sponsored by the Collaborative Innovation Center of Assessment for Basic Education Quality at Beijing Normal University, co-organized by the State Key Laboratory of Land Surface Processes and Resource Ecology of Beijing Normal University, Beijing Normal University Education Foundation, and the Institute of Science Education at Beijing Normal University, with additional support from the Educator Magazine. It focused on the reform of science education methods and classroom models in the process of the Chinese way of modernization. The annual conference became a platform for project demonstrations, exchange of ideas, and discussions. Discussions revolved around major issues of climate change, global warming, and others, and explored the addition of SSI-L into science education that could contribute to the theoretical construction and practical strategy improvement of science education.

Xu Gongming, president of the Educator Magazine and co-director of the Great Nation Great Teachers Development Fund Management Committee of Beijing Normal University, presided over the opening ceremony. He introduced that the Educator Magazine will jointly launch the Great Nation Great Teachers — Science Teacher Training Program with Beijing Normal University Education Foundation. The program will nominate 10 leading science teachers on a yearly basis and provide them with funding to support the socioscientific issues-based learning projects to develop in depth and breadth.

Wang Shuguang, executive director of the Collaborative Innovation Center of Assessment for Basic Education Quality at Beijing Normal University and director of the Office for Cooperation Between BNU and Local Governments, delivered an opening keynote speech. He put forward four suggestions to better leverage the educational value of SSI-L. Those were highlighting the leading role of scientific values, strengthening innovative education, paying attention to evidence-based research, and improving teachers’ quality. In so doing it will truly implement the fundamental task of fostering integrity and promoting rounded development of people.

In the high-end dialogue session, experts and scholars had a heated discussion around “Science, Humanities, and Education” in China’s modernization process. Lin Jing, head of the Beijing Normal University Socioscientific Issuess-based Learning Project, presided over the session.

Gu Mingyuan, a member of the National Education Advisory Committee and a Senior Professor at Beijing Normal University, suggested during the dialogue that the foundation for realizing educational modernization is to cultivate modernized people. Science education aims not only to teach children scientific knowledge and skills, but more importantly, to cultivate children’s scientific spirit and scientific literacy. He believed that science exists everywhere in everyday life, and children should be made aware of the relationship and importance of science and technology to human development and daily life, so that they can use science and technology to make contributions to mankind. He indicated the four landmark reports released by UNESCO, reviewed the education reform and development process of “lifelong education — wealth in education — reflection on education — reconstruction of education”, and pondered over the future direction of education from the perspective of sustainable human development.

Guo Chuanjie, former deputy secretary of the party group of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and academician of the International Eurasian Academy of Sciences, believed that the relationship between science and humanities is an issue of the century. As science and technology develop rapidly, the gap between science and technology and humanities continues to enlarge. He compared the relationship between science and humanities to that between motivation and soul. He used a rider galloping on a horse as a metaphor for the relationship between humans and rapidly developing technology, vividly explaining the importance of humanities development. In the meantime, he emphasized that science is different from technology. What really brings about problems is the individuals who abuse technological products. The main purpose of science education is not to impart scientific and technological knowledge to students, but to provide innovative values and methodologies, and to cultivate students’ creativity and ability to harness science and technology.

Wang Yusheng, former director and party secretary of the China Science and Technology Museum, and vice chairman of the China Industry-Academic-Research Innovation Alliance for Science Popularization, emphasized that science cannot be equated with correctness. Science contains a complex core of the humanistic spirit, and the application of science and technology requires the guidance of the humanistic spirit. He believed that science is a social construct, and the construction process is to weave together the power of scientists, allow scientific undertakings to operate in a normative manner, and strive to pursue truth, goodness, and beauty.

Yan Xiaodong, a professor at the Department of Geographic Sciences at Beijing Normal University, pointed out that the emergence of socioscientific issues is closely related to the development of science and technology. He listed a series of secondary disasters caused by inadequate understanding of the nature of science and scientific research ethics issues. He then suggested to further regulating science development, such as establishing artificial intelligence regulations, so that every student can have sharp eyes and understand the red lines of science.

Tan Yongping, deputy editor-in-chief of the People’s Education Press, presided over the session on “Science Education Reform in Response to Global Warming”. During this session, Xiao Cunde, director of the State Key Laboratory of Earth Surface Processes and Resource Ecology at Beijing Normal University, took the question “Why does global warming concern the whole world?” as the theme, and illustrated that human activities are the major driving force of the current climate change. He pointed out that the world has entered an era of boiling, and frequent extreme weather events are a fait accompli. The impacts of climate change are widespread, pervasive, and mostly negative. Nevertheless, climate recovery is a systemic change in human society. To control global warming, all sectors need to profoundly reduce emissions, clarify climate recovery pathways, and consider emissions equity.

Troy Sadler, a professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, took the theme of “Teaching Science with Socioscientific Issues”, and shared his team’s practical experience and project implementation pathways. He clarified how to better carry out SSI-L practice in the era of knowledge proliferation, and how to help learners think about the complex interactions between science, knowledge, and society. He emphasized that not all science learning experiences should be guided by the SSI approach, but all students should have opportunities to learn through SSI to improve their scientific literacy as citizens.

Lin Jing, head of the Beijing Normal University Socioscientific Issues-based Learning Project, gave a presentation on SSI-based interdisciplinary learning models and strategies. She started from the status quo of China’s education and proposed that the educational value of SSI should be fully utilized. SSI learning needs to be carried out in the form of interdisciplinary teaching, which is also a major challenge in China’s current educational practice. She comprehensively introduced the top-level design, learning models and learning strategies for SSI-based interdisciplinary learning. Lin emphasized that socioscientific issues, as a type of interdisciplinary theme, have features of sociality, openness, ethics and scientificity, and must be constructed in an integrated manner and applied flexibly. SSI-based interdisciplinary learning practice should be driven by questions and take contexts as scaffolds. Through an implementation pathway of socioscientific argumentation, reasoning, and modeling, it provides an extensive, dynamic, and diverse carrier for students to develop advanced thinking and core literacy,  thereby allowing thinking to emerge and achieving natural integration and immersive learning.

On the afternoon of the 6th, Professor Michael J. Reiss from the Institute of Education at the University College London, UK, Professor Vaille Dawson from the School of Education at the University of Western Australia, Australia, and Professor Hyunju Lee from the Department of Science Education at Ewha Women’s University, South Korea, gave keynote presentations on science education reform in response to global warming. They analyzed major socioscientific issues currently facing mankind with examples, and provided practical cases for front-line teachers to carry out SSI-L projects that allow students to benefit from more open learning methods and improve their sense of social responsibility and problem-solving abilities in SSI learning. Li Jingyan, former group leader of the geography teaching and research team of Beijing No. 4 Middle School and a special-rank geography teacher in Beijing, presided over this session.

During the session on “SSI-L and Advanced Thinking Development”, Chen Yanlan, from the School of Life Sciences at Fujian Normal University, introduced the theoretical structure and assessment tools for assessing socioscientific reasoning ability, providing directions and pathways for science education evaluation. Allison E. Bradford, a postdoctoral fellow at the University of California, Berkeley, USA, paid attention to the educational thinking triggered by the emergence of ChatGPT, and explained the role of machine learning in facilitating students’ research on complex issues. Eric Kirk and Rebecca Lesnefsky, PhD candidates from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, presented the process of and key points in SSI-L system modeling, as well as the student argumentation process that integrates multidisciplinary perspectives and involves personal positions and value orientations. Zhou Youxiang, a special-rank biology teacher from the Haidian District Teachers’ Training School Education Group presided over this session.

Ding Bangping, director of the Institute of International and Comparative Education and director of the Science Education Research Center of Capital Normal University, commented on their presentations. He pointed out that the interdisciplinary learning required by the new curriculum reform coincides with socioscientific issues-based learning. Close cooperation between researchers from higher education institutions and teachers from primary and middle schools is an important way to promote the development of the SSI-L project.

On January 7, in the principal forum themed “How to do addition for science education”, discussants were Xu Xiangdong, secretary of the party committee and principal of Asia-Pacific Experimental School of Beijing Normal University, Si Xuejuan, principal of the Experimental Primary School Affiliated to Beijing No. 12 Middle School, Xu Yuwei, deputy principal of Tianyuan Public School, Cai Ruishan, secretary of the party committee and principal of No. 1 Primary School in Miyun District, Beijing, Wang Jing, principal of Wanghaiyuan Middle School, Weihai City, Shandong Province, and Yu Xiaoming, party branch secretary and principal of Jinshan Middle School, Wendeng District, Weihai City, Shandong Province. They exchanged and shared ideas around the common misunderstandings of science, development bottlenecks, changes in education models, interdisciplinary learning, and the benefits and challenges to science education by introducing SSI-L to primary and middle schools. They introduced their own school’s experience and practices respectively, which could provide references for science education in the basic education stage. The principal forum was hosted by Wu Shuang, director of the interview department of the Educator Magazine. Zhang Xi, deputy director of the Beijing Academy of Educational Sciences, commented on the forum, pointing out that frontline practitioners should constantly reflect on the changes in their roles in educating people, pay attention to daily evaluation, and foster lifelong learning awareness.

In the student forum, students from the Experimental High School Attached to Beijing Normal University, the Second High School Attached to BNU, and the Asia-Pacific Experimental School of Beijing Normal University, introduced their practices and inquiry in SSI-L projects around “global warming and its response”. They proposed coping strategies at societal and individual levels, fully demonstrating the scientific spirit and rigorous attitude of primary and middle school students in the new era. Chao Qingchen, director of the National Climate Center, commented that the students’ spirit of inquiry deserves encouragement. She pointed out the importance of clarifying the disciplinary concepts of meteorology, and the requirement of effective prevention and correction while solving issues of climate change. Chen Ying, deputy director of the Sustainable Development Research Center of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, pointed out in her comments that the students’ presentations on SSI learning paid attention to the construction of ecological civilization around themselves, which has both global vision and grounded perspectives. Whether these primary and middle school students can contribute to addressing climate change in the future depends on their current accumulation and preparation.

On the afternoon of the 7th, teacher of Pui Ching Middle School in Macau, teacher representatives of the SSI-L project cooperative teams from the Experimental High School Attached to Beijing Normal University, the Second High School Attached to BNU, the Asia-Pacific Experimental School of Beijing Normal University, and the Yuxin School Attached to Capital Normal University, exchanged and shared ideas on “issues-based teaching and learning”. They provided school-based pathways for sustainable development education and SSI-L project implementation. They also suggested running the proposition of “how students shall learn and how teachers shall teach” throughout the entire teaching process. For example, Jiao Jianjian took the question of “whether to drink alcohol at parties” as the driving question, and led students to discuss and explore “how middle school students should treat alcohol and drinking behavior”. In his comments, Kang Yongjiong, a professor at the Faculty of Education of Beijing Normal University, pointed out the importance of rationally viewing the nature of science and the relationship between science and society. He also stressed the need to handle “eight sets of relationships” in addressing socioscientific issues to trigger more in-depth contemplation.

In the end, Lin Jing, on behalf of the SSI-L project team, summarized and concluded this academic annual conference. She enhanced participants’ understanding of socioscientific issues, and expressed her thoughts with a number of keywords — “gratitude, congratulations, and prospects”. She introduced that in 2024, the SSI-L project team will carry on in-depth cooperation with the Educator Magazine, and double down on efforts in five aspects — the Great Nation Great Teachers — Science Teacher Training Program, SSI-L regulation and institution cooperation, SSI-L concept and goal positioning, SSI-L advanced thinking cultivation, and SSI-L curriculum and teaching models. SSI-L projects will continue to be implemented in schools.

Source: This article is original from the official WeChat account of the Educator of the Guangming Press
Authors: Wang Xue, Shi Yinuo
Coordinator: Zhou Caili