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[SSI Learning] 讲座纪要:柯立——社会性科学议题教学和新冠疫情(2022-03-23)

2022年3月23日晚19:00-20:30,北京师范大学SSI-L项目团队在腾讯会议室举行在线视频会议,会议邀请美国内华达大学雷诺分校的柯立博士、助理教授进行以《社会性科学议题和新冠疫情》为主题的讲座。讲座内容包含了社会性科学议题 (SSI) 教学模型、围绕新冠疫情SSI教学的具体案例、讨论交流三大部分。会议由SSI-L项目组负责人、北京师范大学中国基础教育质量监测协同创新中心科学提升部主任林静老师主持。会议主要内容纪要如下:

1.社会性科学议题 (SSI) 教学模型








参会的老师们踊跃提问,分别就SSI如何选定情境和案例、如何评价学生、如何设计和实现模型、如何改进课程设计等向柯立博士作提问,柯立博士给出了许多参考性建议。最后,林静老师希望柯立博士后续能与SSI-L团队多多合作交流,协同致力于提升中小学生科学素养。[SSI Learning] 讲座纪要:柯立——社会性科学议题教学和新冠疫情(2022-03-23)<br>Seminar Summary: Ke Li – SSI Learning Issues and COVID-19 Pandemic插图

From 19:00 to 20:30 on the evening of March 23, 2022, the SSI-L project team of Beijing Normal University held an online video conference via Tencent Rooms. We invited Dr. Ke Li, assistant professor from the University of Nevada, Reno, to deliver a lecture on SSI Learning issues and the COVID-19 pandemic. The lecture included three parts: SSI teaching model, specific cases of SSI teaching on the COVID-19 pandemic, and Q&A. The seminar was chaired by Lin Jing, head of the SSI-L project team and director of Science Development Department of Collaborative Innovation Center of Assessment for Basic Education Quality at Beijing Normal University. The minutes of this lecture are as follows.

1.SSI teaching model

SSI teaching model is mainly developed around six elements. Those include the first, to explore scientific phenomena and concepts, and to refine the issue within certain contexts to find a suitable entry point for SSI. And second, to participate in scientific modelling. It requires students to complete the development, use, evaluation, and revision of scientific models. Through such scientific practice, it deepens and consolidates their understanding and application of scientific knowledge. Third, to consider the subject’s system dynamics. SSI are complex issues involving a great deal of knowledge. Students need to integrate fragmented knowledge from different disciplines, and systematically combine concepts with specific issues. Fourth, media and information literacy. In general, SSI are more nuanced and debated issues, around which the scientific knowledge is constantly evolving and ground-breaking. Students are supposed to retrieve information and identify which part is useful. Fifth, to compare different perspectives. Students need to consider different stakeholders, think from different positions, and develop a complex understanding of the issue system. Sixth, to justify one’s own position. Students need to clarify their own position or propose a solution to problems, and defend their position with evidence, and explain their conclusion on what ground.

In teaching, these six elements have no fixed order, but are organically intertwined based on the content of the issue. Generally speaking, the exploration of scientific phenomena and concepts will be placed at the forefront of SSI teaching activities, and comparing different perspectives, justifying one’s own position in the later activities as the requirements are relatively higher.

2.Specific cases of SSI teaching on the COVID-19 pandemic

Dr. Ke Li took the COVID-19 pandemic as an example and discussed the SSI teaching design. The COVID-19 pandemic involves great amount of scientific knowledge, which is of great scientificity, time-effectiveness and controversy. Dr. Ke Li shared the cases from the United States and China respectively.

In the US case: first, to draw a conceptual map and a causal relationship diagram, make a multi-agent model simulation based on netlogo software, and understand the spread pattern of novel coronavirus; second, to search for information of COVID-19 and evaluate its time-effectiveness, reliability, authority, and purpose of positions; third, to introduce the COVID impact on racism through cases; and fourth, to write a policy recommendation letter based on evidence.

In the Chinese case: first, the course corresponds to the eighth unit of Biology, 8th grade, the Jiangsu Science Edition, in understanding the etiology, transmission, and preventive measures of infectious diseases; second, to build a immune system model and understand planned immunization; third, to take the Maldives as research object, encourage students to independently look up information and understand the relationship between its tourism, economy and COVID policy; fourth, to analyse the local impact of COVID-19 and the possible responses from the perspectives of culture, economy, politics, science and religion, by means of causal relationship diagrams, role-playing and other forms.


Teachers participating in this seminar actively raised questions to Dr. Ke Li on how to select contexts and cases on SSI issues, how to evaluate students, how to design and implement models, and how to improve curriculum design. Dr. Ke Li provided many referential suggestions. In the end, Ms. Lin Jing hoped that Dr. Ke Li could have more cooperation and exchanges with the SSI-L team in the future, and work together to improve the scientific literacy of primary and secondary school students.